

Boston's Mixtape B-Ball Video

As you all know, Boston has been obsessed with sports since he was in the womb. I swear. He was kicking soccer balls and shooting hoops in my belly, and  chanting the mantras of his favorite sports teams before he could walk. I'm pretty sure he popped out with a Cougar's jersey on (go BYU!), but maybe that was just my epidural-induced imagination.

Ok, so maybe that's a little extreme. But you get the idea.

Jord put together a little highlight video of Boston's basketball skills, so you could get the full effect of his dedication to the sport. And so you could experience our two-year-old a little more up close and personal. Because guys, he's a crack up. Fo shizzle.


1 comment:

  1. AHHHH When did he get so big!?! He is talking.. in FULL SENTENCES! Make it stop!
