

A Day in the Life of an English Teacher in Moscow

9 AM- Begin the wake-up process. Lunch isn't til 2 at the school, so you have to use your mornings wisely.
11 AM - Hop on the metro and explore Moscow, or take a day off and chill in the apartment.

1:50 PM- Walk through the woods on our way to school for 'Tatiana's Delight' (aka lunch)

1:55- Can't wait for Tatiana's delight!

1:55- Just remembered what we had yesterday for 'Tatiana's Delight' and begin having second thoughts
1:58- Apparently colorblindness is contagious (Jordan is colorblind) Kels realizes she left the apartment with brown pants, black shoes, and purple socks. . . . but we're in Moscow and no one cares
2:35- Gotta wash down Tatiana's Delight with an old fashioned chocolate-filled vanilla ice cream cone from the 5 Store (background.) Mmmmmm. Probably the second best thing about Moscow.

6:00- This is Gleb. If I were to hear the name Gleb for the first time this is exactly how I would have pictured the person with that name. We love Gleb.

7:15- Abandon all attempts at English teaching and resort to the game, "What Can We Balance on Gleb's Head."

9:00- Kels makes a delicious dinner and we crash for the night.

Well there you have it. The exciting day of an English Teacher in Moscow.


  1. Gleb... well, you can add that one to the list of names to consider for our next baby. or... not.

  2. Dear Kels and Jordan.

    I freakin' love you guys. And I am now totally craving an old fashioned chocolate-filled vanilla ice cream cone. Waaaay to go. ;)

  3. why do you start teaching so late in the day? that is crazy that you don't start till 2:00! and then you are there till after 7:00? is English like an after school class? we still want a picture of Tatiana and her delicious lunches!

  4. I forgot Jord was color blind too! I remember Eckles pulled out a color blind test and asked who was color blind in the class and only Jordan and I raised our hands... Eckles whipped the color blind test on me... Joyous! Looks like you guys are having a blast over there though!
