

August, 2014: A month in review!

Since I was basically wiped out by morning slash all day sickness from the end of August- mid December, I managed to not post ANY photos from those months. Like, zero. I know. Crying emojis!! I mean, I did manage to stay partially alive on Instagram, so there's that, but I had zero contribution to the blogging world during that barfy time.

But don't worry! I definitely took photos during my blogging hiatus. Like, a lot of photos. So in order to catch up on blogging and photos and life, I'm going to post the last few months of 2014- shortened and condensed style- so that I can document and move forward with life. Can I get a whoop whoop?

And so, here we go. Onto (backwards to?) last August!

^^August involved several Costco trips...and lots of brotherly love. Heart eye emojis!^^
^^We did a little bunny-sitting, and the boys were in HEAVEN.^^
^^Captain America made several appearances.^^
^^We consumed a ton of these. And yeah, it was as good as it looks. Yum.^^
^^lots of lazy mornings in our jammies.^^
^^We went to the fire station! (More on that, here.)^^
^^We did a lot of duck-watching, and slobbery brother kissing. Wait for it...^^
^^I mean, just the cutest.^^
^^We had a few date nights, which are always my favorite things. Because I kind of like this guy.^^
^^Boston got his first pair of cleats...^^
^^...which led to lots and LOTS of soccer!^^
^^We went to a Red's game! (more on that, here!)^^
^^We went boating with the Stake YM & YW at Laurel Lake. We had a blast!! Here are a bunch of pictures from that day...^^
^^It was GORGEOUS.^^

^^The boys look seriously stressed here, but I promise they had a blast on the boat!^^
^^And again... I swear he was having fun?^^
^^My first order of Chatbooks came in late-August, and I am still obsessed with them. Apparently Boston was a big fan, too! (also, yes. He is wearing one of my headbands. But are you even surprised with that boy?)^^
^^Kentucky summers. They are so dreamy. (I need summer weather again!!!!)^^
^^Every couple of Sundays, we tried to snap some cute photos of everyone dressed up. I mean, babies in church clothes, guys. There's just nothing cuter.^^
^^Can you even handle this?? It kills me every time.^^
^^I love them.^^
^^Cam discovered his love for chocolate pudding... and finger painting.^^
^^Boston started Joy School in August. This was from his first day! GUYS. Is he not the cutest or what??? (I'm not biased at all, what are you talking about.)^^
^^On a mini-Mommy-son-date, Camden and I explored the log play area at the Arboretum.^^
^^Hunk-a-burnin' love.^^
^^I mean, come on now. I can't handle this chubby-faced grin!^^
^^Lots of park days.^^
^^so squishable!^^
^^my little dreamboat.^^
^^We played a lot of baseball. A LOT.^^
^^and Cam chased the ducks by our house. A lot.^^
^^We ate about three thousand popsicles. Because really, not much else can get you through a Kentucky summer!^^
^^"Hey Moooooommmmm. Come play baseball wiff me.^^
And there you have it, folks. The rest of our August, 2014, in a nutshell. 

Now, onward to September! 


  1. Love. Love. Love. I say this every time, but YOU MAKE SUCH CUTE KIDS! Love your posts.

    1. JESSICA! You are the nicest. I love your posts, too!! Yay for blogging!
