I already posted some photos of our Easter Sunday (
HERE), but thought I'd post about some other fun Easter festivities we did, too! We went to a giant community Easter egg hunt that the kiddos loved, and they all got about a zillion eggs a piece. We will be eating this candy until Halloween. Haha! (but seriously)
I know I say this over and over, but kids make everything so much better. Every holiday, every birthday...its just magic. It's definitely 100% more chaotic, but 100% more fun.
The boys patiently waited for the hunt to begin, and I took advantage of the moment to snap a thousand pictures of their cute faces.
Because I'm their mom. IT'S WHAT I DO.
^Those big, brown eyes. SWOON.^ |
^So confused about what we were doing, but excited about it!^ |
^That missing tooth!^ |
^Okay, but when did he turn 17??^ |
We waited for a while for the hunt to begin, and they were DYING.
Camden said, "Mom, why did we have to come and wait an HOUR for this thing to start??"
(It was like ten minutes. But man, staring at those candy-filled eggs makes it feel like an eternity! haha)
^Four fuzzy heads in a row^ |
^Brighton was suspiciously eyeing the Easter bunny from afar haha^ |
And then it was go time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^He was so proud of every single egg he picked up.^ |
^madness^ |
^Literally cannot handle his face!!!^ |
After they loaded up on eggs and candy, we snagged the Easter Bunny for a quick picture.
Brighton was unsure, so he kept his distance. But afterwards, it was all he could talk about!
"Mom, Easter Bunny! Dad, Easter Bunny candy! Mom, Easter Bunny picture!" haha. So cute.
^A happy boy with his daddy and his bucket of candy^ |
Later in the week (on the night before Easter) we dyed some eggs at home.
And I won't lie to you, it was kind of a mess.
The dye I bought was expired (??) and didn't work super great, the kids were tired, Brighton was crazy and sloshed the nasty vinegar egg water everywhere, mom and dad (us) were super ornery and just wanted to go to bed...but we dyed eggs anyways.
And you know what? They had an absolute blast.
^Boston and his weird plastic glasses contraption? I don't even ask anymore. haha^ |
^A gun in one hand, and an egg in the other. We are so classy over here.^ |
^My Holland bunny with his egg bunny^ |
They went to sleep, and woke up bright and early to see what the Easter Bunny brought!
They were happy to find eggs filled with jelly beans and chocolates, pez dispensers, and a new play dough set to share. (They LOVE play dough.)
^Playing with their new play dough toy while I made breakfast^ |
^Breakfast!^ |
We had such a good Easter this year.
It was full of sugar (as it should be), excited kids, and the start of some amazing weather.
Now bring it on, Spring! We are so ready for you.
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