I had a vision for a fun Christmas jammie shoot this year, and Ashlee from London's Bridge Photography made all of my dreams come true. She was INCREDIBLE. It was freezing and we had a million rowdy children, and she still managed to get these images. Highly recommend her!!
^Jammie crew, 2022^ |
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
I've got to be honest, I usually have a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit until well into December. But this year, I found myself turning on Christmas music a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving! Haha. I was so ready for the cozy holiday feeling to kick in--I just couldn't wait another second for the magic to start.
Maybe it's because my kids are in that sweet spot of believing in Santa, still wanting to hang out with me and Jordan, and letting me dress them in matching Christmas pajamas--but I am holding tight to this season like never before. It's just the best.
These candid snuggly family photos Ashlee snapped are just my FAVORITE!

We tried to get some individual photos of Monroe, but she just wasn't having it. It was too cold, and she's also two years old. Haha! It just wasn't going to happen.
But she was DEFINITELY up for some snuggles with momma, and these precious photos were the result.
^Her little scrunched up face! The best.^ |
^Those chocolatey brown eyes get her whatever she wants^ |
^Cold baby girl haha^ |
I thought I'd do a quick spotlight of each kiddo since it's the end of the year! Let's go from youngest to oldest.
This girl is a FIRECRACKER. She has a huge personality packed into that tiny body, and we have loved watching her really just explode with talking and dancing and growing and learning everything this past year. The boys constantly fight over her attention, and she is always at the center of whatever's going on!
She loves stuffed animals, babies, and princesses, and has a new favorite princess movie every other day. She loves meeting daddy at "the salsa place" (our favorite Mexican restaurant) for lunch, and hanging out with Jayden or mommy while the boys are at school. She is the queen of the house, and she knows it. Haha.
This year, she's asking Santa for a stuffed giraffe and a stuffed elephant, even though she's terrified of Santa and calls him "the creepy guy." Haha!
We love our girl so much.
And now, THE BOYS!
My gosh, how I love these four little dudes. They are all hilarious and fun and quirky in their own little ways, and I couldn't imagine our family without each of their different personalities.
Also, is this not the cutest picture of your life????
This boy is the absolute spunkiest five-year-old you will ever meet! He is CRAZY and we love every bit of it! Haha. He's got the biggest toothless grin right now, and it's my favorite thing in the universe. He is constantly surprising us with his funny jokes and witty comebacks. He's usually sitting, just quietly coloring, when he suddenly pipes into a conversation you didn't even know he was listening to. Haha the best!
He is amazing at math and has better handwriting than any of his big brothers (shhh, don't tell them I said that haha), and LOVES kindergarten with all his heart. He loves Spaghetti-oh's, Number Blocks, & Pokemon, and is learning to read like a pro.
This year for Christmas, he's asking Santa for a toy claw machine and lots of Shopkins!
Oh, my sweet Holland! He is the most lovable, squishable, handsome seven-year-old there ever was. He has the most hilarious personality, and is always in the middle of every party--and every fight. Haha!
He is kind to everyone, and is always thinking about others. (He used his own, hard-earned book fair money to pick out a book to buy for Monroe. I know, I'm crying too!!) He has the best giggle, and can bust a move in the kitchen like nobody's business. He won the Paw Award for the whole second grade at school a couple of weeks ago for showing outstanding behavior, and we couldn't be more proud.
He loves Dog Man books, shepherd's pie, Dude Perfect, and playing outside with his friends!
This year, he's asking Santa for a mini-trampoline, and a Nintendo Switch!
This boy is getting WAY too old for my liking!! I swear I blinked and he went from a little dimpled baby to a pre-teen, and I'm not okay with it. He is so much fun, and he's always up for an adventure. He's our roller coaster/ sushi buddy!
He is SO smart, and gets straight A's without much thought. He was in the top three of his grade for scoring on a state-wide test, and we were so proud of him! He was also in the school talent show and did a magic show in front of everyone--and he was AMAZING! He is witty and quick, and is always getting into some kind of trouble by booby-trapping the house. Haha. He's on Student Council this year, and it has been such a great experience for him!
Camden loves Legos, telling jokes, Caesar salad, going on road trips, grilled cheese sandwiches, and holidays.
He's asking Santa for a 3,000 piece "Haunted Hotel Drop Tower Lego Set," or an electric dirt bike!
Boston is growing like a weed, and is almost as tall as I am!! He will be in Young Men's in January and I am straight-up in denial about it. He has a heart of gold, and is a natural leader wherever he goes. He will decide to do something, and he just does it. Sometimes Jordan and I look at each other and say "Where does this kid get his confidence?" Haha.
He is currently in Beta Club, STLP (Student Technology Leadership Program), on the fifth grade boy's basketball team, won the Paw Award a few weeks ago for outstanding behavior, and was just in the school talent show singing a Shawn Mendes SOLO in front of the entire school. We literally had no clue he could sing until he opened his mouth on stage--and we were blown away! So proud of him.
Boston loves Dude Perfect, Kraft Mac & Cheese, playing outside with friends, watching football with his dad, homemade chicken noodle soup, and reading.
This year, he's asking for a Nintendo Light and the Fortnite game!
Then we tried to take a cute photo of the kids all snuggles on the bench, and Monroe was like NOPE.
Just zoom in on her face in this pic for a good laugh. Haha!! I'm seriously dying.
I always love some quick photos of mom and dad amidst the chaos. I'm so grateful for this guy, and for putting up with all of my photoshoot plans although he'd muuuuuch rather be somewhere else. Haha!
He's the best, and I feel lucky every single day that he's mine.
Highlights for us this year:
New York City couple trip
Utah for Trey's wedding
The beach (x2! Gulf Shores, AL & Panama City Beach, Florida)
Nashville weekend to see Ben Rector with the Curtis's
NYC trip with my mom (Kels) & meeting Hugh Jackman!!
Thurby at Churchill Downs
...and all of the little moments in between!
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