I know everyone says this when their kids keep having birthdays...but WHERE DOES THE TIME GO? Seriously. It just blows my mind how fast these little kiddos grow up.
I can't believe that three years ago, Camden was just a tiny little peanut in my arms. I mean just look at this. He was teeny!!! And I still can't get over all of his black hair. Just unreal!
He was just so precious. It is crazy that now he's a big three year old!
We had such a fun time celebrating him today! He requested a Paw Patrol party (his faaaaaavorite show of all time), and it was a total chaotic blur of presents and cake and happiness. Just how it should be for a little three-year-old party, if you ask me!
^Everything Paw Patrol for my little puppy fanatic!^ |
^Holland wasn't so sure how he felt about his party hat. Haha!^ |
^Party Picnic!^ |
^Waiting patiently to open presents^ |
The two things that Camden requested for his party were a "Paw Pat-woe Heavenwee fawduh" (Paw Patrol Pinata...cracks me up every time he says it!! haha), and a "bwoo cake" (blue cake). So I did my best to grant his wishes!!
^I love that little dimpled face.^ |
^This is what I get when I take too many pictures. The Camden glare. Haha!^ |
^Meanwhile, totally forgot about Holland under the table, eating tissue paper. I'm a good mom. Haha!^ |
We were originally going to party outside in the back, but everything was pretty muddy from the rain...so we opted for plan B and moved it all inside! It worked out great, but we had to improvise with the pinata. I didn't want a certain someone...*cough* Boston* cough* .... taking other kids' heads off with a bat indoors. So I basically just held it out and let them beat it up with their fists! Haha.
It was ghetto, and it was awesome.
^He loves his new Paw Patrol chair from Aunt Syd!!^ |
After the party was finished (...and I drank a massive Dr. Pepper), I took the boys to get gelato for a special birthday treat. It was like 85 degrees outside with insane humidity, so it was just what we needed!!
^I got raspberry-blueberry & keylime. Soooooo good!^ |
^"Cam! Show me how many you are now!" (not quite! haha) |
^There we go!^ |
^Holland was a huge fan of the gelato. He looooved it!^ |
^Just look at this boy.^ |
^Whoa. Too much ice cream, maybe? haha^ |
^Holland adores Cam.^ |
^I love these three!!^ |
Then we came home, and Holland ate some mulch in the backyard.
It was pretty gross, but not so gross that I didn't snap a few photos before washing his mouth out.
Told you I was a good mom! haha.
^I think he's trying to eat a rock here. He is basically just always eating junk.^ |
^"Mom! Our betch-ta-bulls are growin' so big!"^ |
^This boy loves to swing!^ |
After dinner, we gave Cam his last present: The inflatable Paw Patrol ball hut he has been eyeing for months. His reaction was the cutest thing I have ever seen. He was soooo excited!!
^Pure joy!^ |
Oh, how I love that little fuzzy-haired boy! And now for a traditional birthday letter. Because of course!
Dear Camden,
Happy birthday!! My gosh, you are a firecracker. You are the sweetest little thing, but you have a mischievous side that comes out every once and a while. You always keep us on our toes! You will give me kisses one second, and then sneak an entire pack of gum out of my bag and eat it in less than a minute. You love Paw Patrol (obviously), the color blue, candy, cheese, and "spicy drink" (root beer). You love to hang out with Boston, and you two have a blast riding scooters together on warm sunny days. Your favorite thing ever is reading books, and you would sit on my lap for hours and hours to read if we could. I love your sweet personality, Cam. I am so glad you are in our family!!
We love you. Happy Birthday!
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