Our New Year's Eve celebration was pretty low-key this year. It's amazing how things change when you have little kiddos running around. I used to pretty much stay up all night on New Years Eve, and loved going to fun parties and hanging out with friends til the wee morning hours.
Now, nothing sounds better to me than hanging out at home with my boys, watching some movies, and eating a bunch of yummy food before we barely make it to midnight. So that's exactly what we did! It was perfect. Here are some random photos from our night!
^Holland parked himself by the New Year's spread immediately. Smart boy. haha!^ |
I got some festive hats and poppers for the kids, and they thought it was so fun! I love how the smallest things make them so happy. These crazy children of mine make life so fun.
The boys spent some time coloring "New Years pictures" (whatever that means? haha) to pass the time until "midnight" (6:30). Holland has been getting into coloring these days, too. He sprawls out on the floor with a crayon and a paper, and colors contently. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
^"Look mom! It's me, Cam, and Holland under new year fireworks!"--Bost^ |
^Camden drew me this picture and said, "It's you and me for the new year, momma!" So sweet.^ |
Then the boys had a marshmallow gun/ Ironman dart blaster/ Spiderman gun war, and I sat on the couch and laughed my head off while taking photos. Blurry, blurry photos.
^I love Boston's blurry face in this one as he is getting hit by a dart. So good! haha^ |
Then everyone crashed on the couch and watched football until it was time for the New Year countdown! (...on Netflix. at 6:30 P.M. We are super fun parents. Haha!!)
We counted down and cheered for the new year, did some poppers, and then headed out front to bang some pots and pans and scream as loud as we could! It was pretty awesome.
^Happy (kid) New Years!!^ |
Then we put the kids down, and Jord and I watched movies until the real midnight.
It was the perfect, laid back New Year's Eve!
Also, here were my "best nine" photos on instagram for 2016. It's fun to look back and see all that's happened over the year! And so exciting to see what 2017 has in store for us (like a new baby!!).
Here's what my caption said for this photo, just to sum up 2016 a little bit:
"How is it a new year already? I feel like I blinked and 2016 passed me by. Some highlights of our year include: Moving to a new home in Elizabethtown, KY, announcing we were pregnant with baby #4 (and finding out he would be another BOY!), my girls trip to Dallas, TX with my mom and sister for my birthday, taking a trip south with Jord's parents for some fun beach time (GA and SC), our family road trip to Utah in September for my mom's graduation, and watching our boys grow like weeds throughout the entire year! Wow. We are so blessed. Thanks for being such a great year, 2016!"
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