^my five favorites^ |
Every Memorial Day, we have a tradition of driving a little over an hour to get to our favorite strawberry patch in Owensboro, Kentucky. This year the strawberry fields weren't quite ready for U-pick season yet, but we decided to make the drive anyway!
We wanted to buy some strawberries, eat some fresh strawberry soft serve, and go to our favorite burger drive-in in town. We had to keep our Memorial Day tradition alive (even through Covid!)! We ended up having so much fun, and we were glad we went. Especially since it was baby Monroe's first time at Reid's orchard!
(Fun fact: Last Memorial Day, we found out we were pregnant!)
^our girl^ |
^The front porch at Reid's Store. So cute.^ |
^Her eyes!!^ |
Little Monroe was the sweetest in her red gingham outfit. My friend commented on a photo of Monroe wearing this and said, "She looks like a summer picnic!" And I would have to agree, because I basically wanted to eat her the whole day.
Seriously though. Girls are SO FUN!
^her double chin in this is the cutest^ |
The strawberry soft serve at Reid's is AMAZING. The boys loved hanging out in rocking chairs and sipping on their shakes while I went inside and bought some strawberries. (Jordan and Monroe hung out and tried not to die from the humidity.)
^Mr. Brown eyes^ |
^cuties^ |
^Love this little Brights^ |
We had to take our annual 'mom & kids at Reid's photo,' even though we didn't actually pick strawberries this year. Haha! Because traditions, man. Somebody's gotta keep them up.
We took about a zillion that looked like this:
and finally got one with everyone smiling (mostly). Haha!
And with all of the picture taking and heat and humidity, Monroe was like:
^"I'm over it."^ |
At least she was the cutest mad baby ever!!
^So happy to be getting back in the air conditioned car. PS, those legs!!^ |
After Reid's, we headed over to our favorite burger joint in Owensboro: Wonder Whip!
Best burgers, onion rings, and ice cream ever. It's always packed, and for good reason. I think this is probably our third time in a row coming here? We love it!
^"I got my hang-a-burger and my cars, mom!"^ |
^A baby and a burger--multitasking at it's finest!^ |
^Tried their new pineapple dole whip this year and it was SO GOOD.^ |
The amazing riverfront park/ splashpad we normally come to in Owensboro on Memorial Day was closed (thanks Covid), but we found a beautiful park with some nature trails to walk through instead! It was such a gorgeous day, and the shade of the trails felt amazing in the heat.
^Baby in a sun hat!^ |
^They found a toad!^ |
^love these babies^ |
We found a place to stop and rest for a minute while the kids ran around and played. They LIVE for exploring new places like this, so they were in heaven!!
^"eating some dinner" on the rock table they found^ |
There was s pioneer village at the end of one of the trails, and it was so cute!
All I could think about when I saw the log cabins was "How did they live without air conditioning??" (Maybe it's a shallow thought...but I don't think I would have made it. Haha)
^my boys!!^ |
We headed back to the car when we thought we might actually pass out from the heat and humidity. The kids were little sweaty dudes. Boston said, "Okay. When we get back to our car, we need to drive to the closest eating place and order six giant waters with ice--and guzzle them all down!!" haha.
^trying to smile through the sweat^ |
Jord was super-dad and carried like fifty of our kids back to the car when they said they couldn't walk another step. Haha. I love him so much.
Then we loaded them up, and we stopped at a gas station for giant waters and slushies. The kids were happy campers, and they jammed out to Crazy Frog songs in the car while we drove home.
It was such a good day!!
Past Memorial day mom-photos at Reid's:
^2017^ |
^2018^ |
^2019^ |
^2020^ |
Always super sweaty, and always holding a baby.
I wouldn't have it any other way!
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