
Motivation, but Mostly Just Bribes

Kels and I have been trying to get Bost to crawl.  He's eight months old and we have lots of important books and valuables within reach of a crawler, so we figured why not teach him how to crawl.

Unfortunately, he inherited both of our stubbornness and refuses to do anything but lay on his stomach and throw-up on our carpet.

That is, until we discovered his weakness . . . Laptops.

We started using our own laptops as bait to get him to crawl, but that obviously presented a problem when he actually reached the laptop and began to pound the internal memory out if it.  (I wonder if, "My 8 month-old deleted my paper" has ever been used as an excuse for not turning in an assignment)

That prompted the purchase of a kid's laptop for him to chase and play with.  (Kid's laptop?  I'm pretty sure my crawling motivation was a pile of rocks or a spoon)  You know the kind of laptop I'm talking about.  The kind that features techno versions of all the classic nursery rhymes by David Guetta and stimulating lighting effects that induce seizures in anyone over the age of 2.

These were the results:

Not quite crawling, but we'll take it.

1 comment:

  1. You can almost hear him: "MUST. GET. LAPTOP!" {scoot, scoot, scoot} How adorable! My hubs said that Hannah nearly rolled over three times yesterday, but I have yet to see such evidence. :) Keep up the good work, you guys!!
