
A two year celebration!

We had a fabulous anniversary this year!
We got a babysitter for Bost, 
and hit up the town!
Well, kind of.
(We aren't as party-animalish as we pretend to be)

We got dressed up and went to Johnny Carino's in Idaho Falls, 
and we loved it!
The service was great, and the food was super yummy.

Then we headed home and settled in for a little Gilmore Girls.
I am obsessed with that show, 
and Jord secretly totally loves it too! 
Its the best.

What's an anniversary without some bubbly to celebrate?
We have a love for martenellis, 
so any excuse we have to buy it, we do!

We had a great time celebrating two years of togetherness.
Here's to many more years to come!

I swear Jord doesn't have a big sweat pile in this picture. Its a shadow-promise!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA! What amazing pictures, Kels! Lovely. Just lovely. :) haha! Congrats on the two years!

  2. I can't believe it has been two years. Doug and I got gas by Whiskey Pete's in NV a week ago and totally thought of you guys. Looks like you guys had loads of fun. Doug and I are going out to dinner tomorrow night for our Anniversary. =)
