Have I mentioned how much I love Valentines Day? Just checking. Because my gosh, I LOVE IT.
I thought I'd do a quick recap of some of the fun things we did for V-day this year. First up, date night!! Can I get a what whaaaaaat? We went out the weekend before Valentines Day, and it was so fun. There's just something about getting out with my man that does something good for my soul.
We danced the night away at a church dance (
recognize the backdrop?), and I mostly just tried not to go into labor with any crazy dance moves (but seriously). It was a lot of fun. It was also fun remembering our senior prom, where we danced together a thousand years ago. Life is pretty awesome.
Afterwards, we went to a nice Italian place where I had the best smothered chicken & grilled asparagus of my life. Seriously, still dreaming about it! It was such a good date night.
^The fun crowd from our little E-town ward!^ |
^Handsome date.^ |
^SO GOOD.^ |
P.S., Did I mention that Jordan stayed up late one night helping me make that cute backdrop? Seriously, this man is the best ever. I lucked out big time.
Next up, making Valentines! We made them the day before Valentines for their class parties, and they had so much fun writing their names on the cards they picked out. Boston chose spiderman Valentines, and Camden chose Paw Patrol. Holland had to join in to, of course, and scribbled on some papers as seriously as he could. It was pretty much the cutest.
Kids are fun.
^This boy. He thinks he's a big kid, and I love it.^ |
Then it was Valentines Day!! The kids had made a paper chain countdown, and kept asking, "How many more sleeps, mom?? Is it almost Valentines yet?"
So they were pretty much pumped when they woke up and it was finally here. We started the day bright and early (Cam has to be at school at 7:30...yowza!) with a fun pink breakfast! They loved it.
Then they were off to their class parties!
^Diving into the candy from his class party!^ |
^Sorting the loot^ |
^Please just look at these three. CUTEST EVER.^ |
^And then Camden did this. And I melted into a giant puddle.^ |
P.S., I got some cute V-day leggings, and I'm pretty bummed I can't wear them every day of the year...because they're basically the softest things ever (and I'm super pregnant).
You'd better believe I rocked them on Valentines, though! Holland kept pointing at my legs yelling "HOTS! HOTS!" (hearts)
^36.5 week bump!^ |
After the kids were back from school, we hung out for a bit until it was time to get ready for dinner. Aka, I sat down on the couch and tried not to fall asleep because I'm pregnant and tired...while they ran around and destroyed the house. #themomlife #glamorous
^Camden/ Ironman, roaming the house^ |
^Playing outside with this cute boy^ |
Then onto my favorite tradition ever: Our Valentines Day pink dinner! My mom always did this for us growing up, and it's been so fun to carry it on with my own kiddos. It really is the small things like this that I remember being completely magical from my childhood, and I want my boys to have those same memories.
We wore fancy heart glasses and had heart shaped pink noodles with Alfredo sauce, sparkly drink (Martinellis FTW), veggies, and pink garlic bread. Camden was a little overzealous with the food coloring on the garlic sauce for the bread...so it looked a little menacing. But still tasted good! haha!
For dessert we had AMAZING red velvet cupcakes, made by the cutest young woman (with her own cupcake business) from church! Holy cow. Still drooling over those babies.
^The gorgeous roses Jord bought for me...and the insanely delicious cupcakes we ate.^ |
^Love this crew!^ |
^See what I mean about the garlic bread? A little intense. Haha!^ |
^CAM!^ |
^Holland was a little confused by the glasses. Haha. But just look at him. He's cute.^ |
^He didn't choose the thug life--the thug life chose him.^ |
^He's a good sport for putting up with my crazy shenanigans.^ |
These next pictures of Camden and Jord are like my favorite things in the world.
I don't know what they were laughing about, but man. Are they cute or what??
Then we headed out to deliver some Valentines cookies before we called it a night.
Such a fun day!!
I love celebrating love day with my favorite boys, but most of all, with my handsome husband. My gosh--I hit the lottery with him. He really is the best of the best. Here are a couple of flashback photos (by
Crave Photography, from our engagements in 2010), because love is awesome. And I am super lucky.
Happy Valentines!
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