^the beach! our happy place^ |
We had an amazing first getting situated at the beach house and playing in the ocean (see
HERE). The next day, we woke up and ran straight for the beach again.
And you know those days that are pretty much just perfect? This was one of those.
The weather was amazing, the sunshine was bliss, and the water was absolute HEAVEN. It was calm and warm, and we spent hours floating in the waves. The babies mostly camped out on the beach with grandma and grandpa, and we all just had the time of our lives.
So get ready for a giant pile of photos from our day...because it was a dream!
^camp!^ |
^check out those wrist rolls!!^ |
^my girl!^ |
^sorry about my giant hat jabbing you in the eyeball, jord^ |
^looking for fish in the water!^ |
^his poor little scraped face. at least he had the beach to distract him!^ |
The boys LOVED the water...but Monroe wasn't so sure. Sometimes she was okay with it, and sometimes she wanted nothing to do with it. Haha.
At least she looked adorable in her bonnet and tiny wetsuit!
Camden was completely in his element in the ocean. I kept trying to get him to come out and get a snack or take a breather for a minute, but he wouldn't budge. He was in HEAVEN playing in the water and riding the waves in his tube!
I love his little adventurous self.
Brighton, on the other hand, pretty much just hung out with grandpa on the beach and built castles. He was totally content in the sand!
At one point I asked, "Brighton, do you like the warm sand?" and he said, "No, I like the cold snow better." Haha. He's weird, and I love him.
Kadan and Lindsay brought this amazing baby float that both of the babies LOVED. It propped them up so they could lay above the water, and it was perfect!
Both Bo and Monroe fell asleep in it out on the waves. It was pretty much the cutest thing ever!
^sleeping Bo^ |
^sleeping Monroe.^ |
Boston was a snorkeling MASTER! He snorkeled for hours and hours, looking for fish and shells. At one point we saw a sting ray, and that scared him to the shore for a bit. I guess things that can sting aren't as fun to find! haha.
P.S., Jord stepped on a jellyfish on this day, too. His foot tingled all afternoon! So nuts.
^Fishy Bost!^ |
It was so fun to watch the babies play with grandma and grandpa while the parents played in the ocean. Monroe loooved all of the attention!
^Monroe & Grandpa^ |
^castles with daddy^ |
^tiny little squish^ |
^tired babies^ |
After we spent a long, glorious day at the beach, we got all cleaned up at the beach house and headed out for some dinner! (We were all starving since we'd pretty much just only eaten M&M's and chips all day. Haha)
We ate at Picnic Beach, which I'd highly recommend!! So cute, tons of yummy things on the menu, and they had a perfect outdoor seating situation so we could socially distance with no worries at all.
Also, they had the best strawberry lemonade OF MY LIFE. I would drive to Alabama just for that!
^such a perfect outdoor eating area!^ |
^Literally cannot handle her in that sailor dress!! Cutest ever.^ |
^Uncle Kadan and Brights!^ |
^cuties^ |
^Uncle Trey and Holland!^ |
^The food was TDF!^ |
^This bowl that Jordan ordered! Divine.^ |
After dinner, we walked over to Rita's for some ice custard...because HELLO. How could we not?? Rita's is seriously the best.
The boys had to stop and look for alligators on the way.
^"Mom! Take a picture of our scared alligator faces."^ |
^Ice cream with grandma!^ |
^YUM. Could totally go for some of this right now.^ |
We ate ice cream and then did a little nature walk to enjoy the beautiful evening (and to keep an eye out for those alligators). We didn't see any, and the boys were pretty bummed. But I'm pretty sure if we had seen one, they wouldn't have liked that, either. Haha.
^The most beautiful night!^ |
^Bost and cute Aunt Tal!^ |
We tried to get a cute photo of grandpa holding the two babies, and Monroe wasn't a fan. Haha! Her little sad face. Why is it so cute??
^Still precious, even if she was sad^ |
Then I tried to take a pic and Holland photobombed it, and the result is my favorite photo of the night. Haha!! I cannot stop dying over it.
^His crazy eyes are the best^ |
^Our "little" family^ |
What a perfect day.
Can every day be vacation?
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