To see other photos from our Gulf Shores trip, go HERE and HERE!

^My favorite scene^
There's something so therapeutic about the beach. And this trip could not have come at a better time to give us some relief from the stresses brought on by Covid-19.
So for our last couple of days at Gulf Shores, we pretty much soaked up as much beach therapy as possible to take us back into regular life. Haha! (But seriously)
^Hanging out with Uncle Trey!^
^Boston was a snorkeling machine on this trip!^
^Monroe's face is killing me here!^ |
^Oh Holland. It's a shame you're so shy!^
Me and Lindsay had so much fun introducing the babies to the ocean...and to each other! We were dying when they held hands for a photo together. Our plans to make them besties for life was working out already! haha.
^Cutest ever.^
^pat-a-cake with Grandma^
When we were all worn out and covered in sand, we headed back. We made a quick stop at the pool to swim for a minute, and then went back to the beach house for some homemade Oreos and games.
Because homemade Oreos are ALWAYS a good idea!
^Monroe loves her Aunt Linds!^
^Watching funny videos with Grandma^
The boys had been BEGGING us to play tennis every time we passed the courts, so we walked over and played while Monroe napped at the house.
It was literally the surface of the sun on that court (okay not literally, but it felt like it. HOLY COW), but the boys still had fun playing!
^Dino Brights^
Then we went back to get ready for family beach photos!!
If you know me, you know I LOVE a good family photo session. Getting ready/ getting five kids ready for pictures is always insaaaaaaane, but it's always worth it. ALWAYS. Especially when you have an amazing photographer!
I found
Emily Jo Photography for our shoot (she's based out of Mobile but travels to the beach for photos), and she was seriously
so good. She took the dreamiest photos, and she was great with handling chaos/ little rowdy boys. Haha!
Here are some 'behind the scenes' iPhone photos that I snapped.
^Heading to the beach for photos!^
^Love this one of everyone trying to get baby Bo to smile^
^waiting and digging^
^Feeling the sand in her tiny toes^
^love this family^
It was seriously the most perfect night. We could not have asked for better!!
The boys saw a fisherman, and they had to go over and check it out. They thought it was so cool!
^my little sailor girl^
Emily did such a great job! And the photos were the perfect way to wrap up the evening.
^This one is my absolute favorite.^
The next morning, Jordan and I snuck out bright and early with the boys to paddle board on the ocean. We left a sleeping Monroe with grandma, and we hit the beach!
There's something about being the first ones at the beach in the morning. It's just so calm and perfect.
^the best dad^
^Paddle boarding Bost!^
^Pure joy. Camden was so in his element^
After a fun morning on the water, we went back to the beach house for some breakfast. Then we got cleaned up and headed out on the town!
We pretty much played as hard as we could all day--because what else are you supposed to do on your last day of vacation??
^Grandma Mac with the two babies!^
Our first stop was at Kayden's Candy Factory...which ended up being kind of a bust. But you know that I made Kadan stand in front of it for a pic anyways! haha.
^How cute are these brothers with their babies??^
We grabbed some pizza, and then we hit up a fun-zone for arcade games and go carts in the afternoon. I don't know who had more fun--the kids or the adults!
But seriously, their faces in these go carts were pure joy. Haha!
^post-nursing sesh in the car! Her face is like, uhhh?^
Such a fun afternoon!
We were all dying from the heat, so we headed back to the house to get ready for one last night at the beach.
^Nakie Monroe!^
Trey was such a good sport and held Monroe while I ran around frantically trying to help all of the other kids. They bonded over Alex Morgan soccer highlights and Taylor Swift music vidoes. Haha! The cutest thing of my life.
^Have you ever seen a cuter picture??^
H E A V E N.
^My teenager^
Brights was pretty hesitant about the water the whole trip, but on the last night, he suddenly loved it. He sat in this spot for hours--just giggling and playing and finding shells.
It was so, so cute.
^the happiest boy^
^Beautiful Aunt Tal with Monroe^
^A huge wave almost knocked us over right as we took this picture^
^Our last trek back on the boardwalk^
The next morning, we woke up, packed up, and said goodbye to our Utah McMurtrey fam. Goodbyes are always the worst, but it was seriously SUCH a fun trip.
We loved it so much!!
^the babies, saying their goodbyes^
^sweetest Monroe taking one last nap on Talyn^
Then we drove fifty billion hours home! Haha.
But that's really what it felt like. Why is going home waaaaaaaay less fun than going?
^Hour 5 or something. She was OVER IT.^
^Hour 7 in the Chick-Fil-A drive thru. Haha^
But you know, every last hour of that drive back was so, so worth it. We had the absolute best time!!!
Until next time, Gulf Shores!
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