Well, 2 applications, 3,000 hours talking to BYU-I's admissions and financial aid offices via Skype, and 5 1/2 Mormon cuss words later we've finally arrived in chilly St. Anthony, Idaho. Yep, St. Anthony. The cozy little town nestled half-way between Rexburg and Nowhere. We're in a basement apartment that we love, renting from a couple that we love even more.
As we pulled off exit 346 and made our way down Bridge St. (AKA Downtown St. Anthony), we laughed. That uneasy, is-this-really-where-we're-going-to-live? laugh to keep from crying, my-what-an-adventure-we've-gotten-ourselves-into kind of laugh. The town is tiny, snowy, in the middle of nowhere and couldn't be more perfect for us.

1. When you accidentally leave cans of pop in your car overnight in negative temperatures they..... EXPLODE!
4. Elders Quorum consists of the Elder's Quorum presidency scrambling around looking for the guy who is supposed to teach lesson, and "was just here a minute ago." Finally resulting in 3-4 guys playing rock, paper, scissors to see who will read from the manual for our 10 minute lesson. (Actually, now that I think about it, it's the same everywhere in the church.)
5. It actually has a drugstore. Like in the Sandlot. Saweet.
6. Ward activities consist of pinewood derbies and chili dogs. Mmmmmm.
7. The snow-plow man sees your Utah license plate and decides to box your car in with a 3-foot high wall of snow. Resulting in a complete meltdown on my part as I simultaneously shovel the snow, push the car, throw the shovel, and curse the snow-plow man.
8. And best of all: the neighbors. While shoveling out our stairway the other day, I was blessed to witness this encounter between a woman and her tiny weiner dog.
Woman: (yelling from her front doorat her dog) Tiny hurry up!
Tiny: (Sniffing nonchalantly)
Woman: Tiny! Poop!
Tiny: (not listening)
Woman: Poop Tiny! Poop!
Tiny: (more dinking around)
Woman: Dang it Tiny Poop! Pooop! Poop Tiny! Poop!
Living the life. Yes, sir. We couldn't be happier in our perfect little house, in our cozy little town, with our stubborn little neighbor dogs, and our patient neighbors.
And we're having a baby. Woot!
Dang you snow-plow man.
PS. If you're looking for a good time or completely bored out of your mind or both, just type 'St. Anthony, Idaho' into Google Images.
i love your mom's reactions to the present but I have to say kelsey i just can't see your mom as a gradndma she looks way to young and I just can't believe you are married and prego. I still remember babysitting you when you were a baby. how time flies! But I couldn't be more happier for your and jordan. glad you both are brave enough to wether out the weather in St. Anthony. I have inlaws in rexburg and the nowhere after st. anthony. only the brave of heart can live in that kind of weather. but they love it there and so will you!
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh. you poor, poor soul. st. anthony?! couldn't you have gone to at least idaho falls? that's the like mecca of idaho. kels, it's a good thing you've lived in wayne county... i'm sure st. anthony compares.