I'm finally getting around to posting some photos from our Florida vacation! Can I get a what whaaaaat? It's almost painful to look at all of the pictures right now though, because it's currently 4 degrees outside and there's snow on the ground. Crying face emoji!
But really, we had the BEST time in Florida, and I can't wait to go back. It was such a fun vacation. We loved it!! You know it's a good time when your biggest stress is whether you should go to the pool or the beach. Ha!
But anyways. Here are some photos from our first couple of days in Florida. Enjoy!!
^The boys got pretty creative trying to kill time on the drive down. "Mom! Look at our slinky necks!"^ |
^Road triiiiiiiip!^ |
^I love these two squishables.^ |
^After ten hours in the car, finally THE BEACH!!!!!^ |
^This guy was so excited to be out of his car seat. P.S., WRIST CHUB.^ |
^Why does he suddenly look like a teenager?? TELL ME WHY.^ |
^We found this jellyfish on the beach, and the boys thought it was so awesome! Slash, they were terrified of it.^ |
^Sweetest moment of my life.^ |
^I will never be over his dimples. Not ever!^ |
^Sand bumbo.^ |
^Building their castle!^ |
^King of the castle!^ |
^This little sandy butterball! I love him.^ |
When we woke up at the condo, you could see the kids' eyes light up when they remembered where we were.
"Momma, we in Four-ih-duh?" Cam said.
"Yeah Cam, remember? We're on bay-cation. Like at the ocean." Boston said.
They were so excited to be there. Trips to new places can be tough with kids, but I'm telling you, it is so worth it. Everything is ten times more magical!!
^"Mom, I gib baby loves." |
After breakfast, we immediately got dressed and headed to the beach. Because of course!! Our condo was across the street from the beach, and it was just so awesome. We definitely took advantage of it being so close...and went to the beach like a hundred times.
I LOVE looking for seashells, so it was a blast showing the boys how to look too. They got super into it. They also loved seeing how deep they could dig!
^"Bury us up, Dad!"^ |
^They weren't so sure about it once they were stuck in the sand. Haha!^ |
^I love this man. SO MUCH.^ |
^Cute little Cam Bam. P.S., Don't mind Holland's outfit. We just rolled him right out of bed and headed for the beach! haha^ |
^Soaking up some sun^ |
After the beach, we rinsed off, grabbed some lunch, and hit up the pool. We lucked out with a super warm pool, and the kids LOVED it. They probably would have stayed all day if we would have let them! They were like little fish-- just swimming around with big grins on their faces. It was adorable.
^Cannon baaaaallll!^ |
^Holland loved the water. He was so content that he could have fallen asleep floating!^ |
^...Oh wait, HE DID. Haha! He is seriously the best baby.^ |
After the pool, we headed down to a place where we could see some live alligators. I have to admit...I was pretty creeped out! I'd say the kids were equally thrilled/ terrified. You could watch people feed the alligators, and it was pretty crazy. Boston loved it, but Cam wasn't so sure! Haha.
^Scared alligator faces! (or maybe, scary alligator faces? haha) |
And lastly, the beach again.
Because really... why not?
^Camden forehead selfie.^ |
^I can't even tell you how many times I just looked around and said, "This is my happy place."^ |
^The only thing that would make this picture more perfect is if you could hear the ocean waves, and Boston's giggles.^ |
^Holland couldn't figure out the water. Sometimes he loved it, and sometimes he screamed. Haha.^ |
^I love this snuggle bug.^ |
^Hands down, best photo of the trip. Jord caught Holland mid-sneeze!! So awesome.^ |
^I love this family of mine!^ |
^P.S., if you are in Destin, go to Shakes. Best custard of my life!!!^ |
I love Florida.
More photos, coming up soon!
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