My kids loooove making cookies. They pretty much beg me to make them all the time, but I usually say "Meh, not today," because let's be honest... I don't want to deal with the mess. (Please tell me I'm not the only mom that does this. Haha.)
But Valentines is a PERFECT excuse for some cookie-making, so we embraced the mess and had a blast making heart cookies together! I think Camden ate like two handfuls of you know. Hopefully he doesn't end up with salmonella. But hey! All for the memories, right?
^"Smell this dough, Cam! It smells like ba-nilla!" --Bost^ |
^They are getting so big. It's really weirding me out.^ |
^Ready for the oven!^ |
^He is such a crazy child. I love it.^ |
When the cookies were out of the oven and had cooled down, we got right to the best part...decorating (aka eating frosting)! Holland jumped in to decorate with us, sans clothing. Because when you're one, you can pretty much do whatever you want.
And watching Holland decorate cookies in nothing but a diaper, mis-matched socks, and an apron was pretty much the cutest thing on the planet, if you ask me.
^See what I mean?^ |
^Camden's strategy? Just pile it on. The thicker, the better!^ |
^True love.^ |
^I mean, but really though. This boy!!!^ |
^Remember when you were a kid and you would eat frosting like that? Oh man. So gross (but awesome).^ |
^"Hi Momma!"^ |
^YUM. Also, love that little chubby hand sneaking in.^ |
^I told Boston to make a heart with his hands. Somehow this is what happened?^ |
So much fun. And sugar. You can imagine the kind of crash that happened after each of the boys ate like three cookies. Woof!
But really, I love holidays with kids. Everything is a billion times more fun.
Yay for Valentines!
So adorable! I could just eat your kids up! And you look beautiful, like always... So put-together. :) And P.S. I love your "making memories" sign. . . it's, by far and away, the cutest I've ever seen! Your house looks so cute!! Can't handle it. The overall cuteness is killin' me.