Last week we had our last super warm day for a while, so we wanted to get out and take advantage of it! (You know, before the weather remembered that it was actually winter and turned cold again. Haha!) Baby Brighton was about a week and a half old, so we thought it would be a good time to take him out on his first adventure.
We had heard great things about Bernheim Forest nearby, so we loaded up the kids, skipped school, and headed there for the day. It ended up being so much fun! The weather was 75 degrees and perfect, and the boys had a blast just running and exploring. After being in the house for over a week with a new baby, I think it was good for all of us to get out and soak up the sun!
^Love him!^ |
^He is the best.^ |
There are some gorgeous trails at Bernheim Forest, and we loved seeing the trees start to blossom for springtime everywhere we walked. I can't wait to go back in the summertime when the trees are all lush and green, because I'm sure it's just incredible!
Also, Boston was convinced we were going to be attacked by a bear the entire time we were there. I overheard him telling Camden how bears looked (furry and black and huge), what they ate (people), and how they could find us on the trail. That child!! haha.
^Fuzzy-caterpillar sighting!^ |
Holland's favorite part was definitely hanging out by the water and watching for ducks and turtles. He would point excitedly and yell "QUACK QUACK! TOO-DEL!" (Duck! Turtle!)
He would have stayed there all day watching them swim around.
^Nursing break in the wild outdoors!^ |
While we stopped for a snack, the boys spotted an awesome giant tree. They took turns begging Jord to put them up on a branch, and giggled and giggled when they were up so high. Little boys are seriously the cutest things.
^Holland wasn't so sure. Haha^ |
Meanwhile...tiny Brighton boy!
He handled his first outing like a champ.
^Obsessed with this teeny guy.^ |
We brought the boys' scooters along, and they loved zipping down the trails as fast as they could go. Poor Holland would run as quick as his chubby little legs would go (trying to keep up with them), but he got worn out pretty fast. He'd always turn around and head back for his comfy seat in the stroller pretty quick. Haha!
^Studying the map with daddy^ |
^It was so hot!! Crazy weather for March, and we loved it.^ |
After our long walk on one of the trails, we headed over to the kid's play area. There were giant logs for them to climb on, things to explore and build with, and just space for them to play. Watching them run around made me SO excited for the summertime when we can play outside all the time! (Can you tell that I'm a warm weather girl??)
^Building blocks^ |
^Hi Holland Beck!^ |
^Swinging with my boy.^ |
^Explorer Cam^ |
What a perfect day.
I can't wait to go back to Bernheim Forest and explore the parts we missed! We loved it.
(Also, weather, if you could warm up again...that would be awesome. Kay Thanks!)
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