I always love the family photos we have taken each Fall, but this year, these photos mean much, much, more to me.
We had these taken shortly before our sweet Brighton boy was hospitalized in the Pediatric ICU for three weeks with Botulism. At the time we took these pictures, we had no idea what was right around the corner for our family, and just how much these photos would be needed to help us get through it.
When our amazing photographer, Jes, sent me an email with our session attached, I was in the beginning of our long hospital stay. I was sitting next to my very sick baby, and these pictures were a ray of light that kept me going. I'd show the pictures of Brighton with his blue eyes and perfect, gummy smile to the nurses, saying "Look! This is my boy! This is how he normally is!"
The photos helped me to hope that Brighton would get well again soon, and they encouraged me that he would be back to his wiggly, smiley self in no time.
And miraculously, he was! We are so grateful to be back home as a family, and we are so happy to have our sweet, perfect Brighton with us again. We love each of our boys so, so much, and we will always cherish these photos of our family in such a special time. Thank you, Jes! We love them.
These next individual pictures of each of my boys....my gosh. I cannot handle the cuteness!
First up, Brighton James (Age 7.5 months in these photos).
He is our ray of sunshine. He has been through so much in his life already, and he is still just a little happy camper. He loves nursing, playing with his brothers, reading books, giving slobbery kisses, and saying "Dada" constantly. We love our little Brights!
Next up, Holland Beck (age 2.5). This boy is SUCH A HAM. He is constantly making us laugh our heads off with his potty humor and knock-knock jokes! Holland loves pancakes, jumping on the tramp, riding his scooter, singing in the car, reading books to Brighton, and keeping up with his two big brothers. Our family would be so boring without this crazy kid. Love you, Mr. Becks!
Now onto our Camden Race (age 4.5). Oh, this little soft-hearted boy. Camden is just the sweetest, and he is also the sneakiest little sneakerson around...especially when finding candy is involved! Haha. Camden loves puzzles, chick-fil-a, preschool, coloring, candy, swimming, making crafts, staying in hotels, and helping me make dinner. You are the sweetest bug around, Cam Bam!!
Lastly, we have Boston Emery (age 6.5). This boy is such a good one. He is such a great older brother, and is good example to everyone around him! Boston loves sports, making comics, kindergarten, reading books, making up games to play with his brothers, and figuring out how to earn money. Haha! You always keep us on our toes with your crazy antics, and we just love you, Boston!
Love those little buddies.
Jes also snapped a few of Jordan and I, which I love! I can't believe we've been married for 7.5 years. Jordan is my best friend, and I'm so glad I get to go through life with him. He's the best husband, and an even better dad.
These next ones are some of my favorites.
Daddy with his boys, and me with my babies. We are pretty lucky to have these little crazies!
We had these taken shortly before our sweet Brighton boy was hospitalized in the Pediatric ICU for three weeks with Botulism. At the time we took these pictures, we had no idea what was right around the corner for our family, and just how much these photos would be needed to help us get through it.
When our amazing photographer, Jes, sent me an email with our session attached, I was in the beginning of our long hospital stay. I was sitting next to my very sick baby, and these pictures were a ray of light that kept me going. I'd show the pictures of Brighton with his blue eyes and perfect, gummy smile to the nurses, saying "Look! This is my boy! This is how he normally is!"
The photos helped me to hope that Brighton would get well again soon, and they encouraged me that he would be back to his wiggly, smiley self in no time.
And miraculously, he was! We are so grateful to be back home as a family, and we are so happy to have our sweet, perfect Brighton with us again. We love each of our boys so, so much, and we will always cherish these photos of our family in such a special time. Thank you, Jes! We love them.
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^^My world.^^ |
He is our ray of sunshine. He has been through so much in his life already, and he is still just a little happy camper. He loves nursing, playing with his brothers, reading books, giving slobbery kisses, and saying "Dada" constantly. We love our little Brights!
Next up, Holland Beck (age 2.5). This boy is SUCH A HAM. He is constantly making us laugh our heads off with his potty humor and knock-knock jokes! Holland loves pancakes, jumping on the tramp, riding his scooter, singing in the car, reading books to Brighton, and keeping up with his two big brothers. Our family would be so boring without this crazy kid. Love you, Mr. Becks!
Now onto our Camden Race (age 4.5). Oh, this little soft-hearted boy. Camden is just the sweetest, and he is also the sneakiest little sneakerson around...especially when finding candy is involved! Haha. Camden loves puzzles, chick-fil-a, preschool, coloring, candy, swimming, making crafts, staying in hotels, and helping me make dinner. You are the sweetest bug around, Cam Bam!!
Lastly, we have Boston Emery (age 6.5). This boy is such a good one. He is such a great older brother, and is good example to everyone around him! Boston loves sports, making comics, kindergarten, reading books, making up games to play with his brothers, and figuring out how to earn money. Haha! You always keep us on our toes with your crazy antics, and we just love you, Boston!
Jes also snapped a few of Jordan and I, which I love! I can't believe we've been married for 7.5 years. Jordan is my best friend, and I'm so glad I get to go through life with him. He's the best husband, and an even better dad.
Daddy with his boys, and me with my babies. We are pretty lucky to have these little crazies!
With four boys--six and under--our life is pretty much insanity. (As you could probably guess.)
Things are always getting broken in the house, wrestling matches on the living room rug are pretty much a constant, and I know more about dinosaurs and transformers than I ever thought possible.
But you know what? There is absolutely nothing better. Raising these babies with Jordan is everything I've ever hoped for in my life.
And time is already speeding by so fast, so I'm SO grateful that we have these photos to remember this phase by. Because it really is the best, and I never want to forget it.

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