My gosh, we had the BEST time in Florida for Thanksgiving this year!! This is our third year going to the beach for Thanksgiving break, and it is my favorite tradition ever.
This year we stayed at Panama City Beach, and we LOVED it. This is the first time our condo has been right on the beach, and it was such a game changer. Even though we had some colder weather days than we've had in the blast, the trip was just a dream. There's nothing better than waking up to the ocean right outside your door!!
But let me rewind really quick. I have to share some of the pictures from our drive down (so I can remember their crazy shenanigans)! The kids were troopers, and we somehow only stopped ONE time on our way to Florida. I don't even know how it happened--but it was awesome! Much better than the approximate fifty two times we stopped on the way back. Haha!
They really did so good.
^Happy jammie boy^ |
^It was SO foggy for most of the way down and back! Crazy! |
^Cute drawing Holland did in the car. "Mom! It's The Grinch!"^ |
^Boston made this into a paper plane in the back where he was sitting and sent it up to my seat. We were DYING.^ |
Then, after movies and puzzles and games and snacks coloring books and toys and treats...we finally made it!!
We unloaded our luggage (and our kids) and explored the condo.
^Our cute place for a few days!!^ |
^loved the details of this condo^ |
^A travel book for the guests to sign! So cute.^ |
^The boys loved this bunk room.^ |
But the best part of the condo?
And the balcony.
The kids could literally sit out there for hours and play!
^Heaven^ |
^So happy to be done driving.^ |
We didn't waste much time. We got settled in, had a quick fancy dinner of ham and cheese sandwiches on rolls (haha!), and got our swimming suits on for the beach.
I pretty much had to force the kids to sit and eat. They were dying to get out there!
^ I could get used to this view from my kitchen sink. My sweet boys & the ocean in the background!^ |
Then it was beach time!!
It was my favorite thing in the world to watch Brighton explore the beach. He was still a tiny little guy last year, so this time around was a lot different with him.
He wasn't so sure about the sand at first, but he warmed up to it pretty quickly! He kept pointing to the ocean and saying "Wowwwww!" Haha. It was the cutest thing of my life.
^Why does he look SO OLD in this picture?? Make it stop!^ |
^Love him^ |
^Cam would live at the beach if he could. It is his happy place.^ |
The kids played until the sun started to go down, and then we all started to get cold!! So we enjoyed the beach for a few more minutes, and then we high-tailed it back to our warm condo.
^Little snuggly Holland bug! |
^This little crazy jumped into the ocean in his hoodie. Haha^ |
^The dreamiest sunset^ |
^always trying to reach treats^ |
^A low key dinner with dad^ |
Such a fun first day.
Stay tuned for more posts, coming up soon!
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