The day after
Thanksgiving, we woke up and headed straight down to the beach!
I know I've already said this, but I cannot even tell you how amazing it was to be RIGHT on the beach this trip. I could literally be in the condo making lunch, and see my boys playing in the sand with Jordan right below the condo. It was so awesome!!
The beach was a little bit warmer this day, but not by much. Luckily, the kids didn't mind one bit, and just played and played for hours. We also brought our trusty Costco pop-up beach shelter, which was a perfect little hideout for Brighton when he needed to rest (and recharge with a bottle).
It was such a fun day!
^Love this little bug.^ |
^Hi, Holland!^ |
^Those dimples are everything.^ |
^Yes, he has a pink bottle. haha. Don't judge!!^ |
^Bucket head Holls^ |
I asked Cam to take a couple of pictures of me and Jord, and he really got some good ones!!
But this first pic he took is my favorite:
^hahahaha^ |
^favorite^ |
It was so fun to see Brighton try and figure out the ocean. He loved it and hated it simultaneously...pretty much changing his mind every two seconds. Haha!
He is cute.
^Love this sneaky Cam^ |
^"Mom! I'm buried up!^ |
^"I'm so cozy in here, mom!"^ |
^Just having a blast^ |
After the beach, we went back to the condo to get cleaned up for dinner. We were hoping for some better food after our weak sauce "Thanksgiving Dinner" the day before at Uncle we did our research! Haha.
We ended up at Diego's Burrito Factory (Thanks Yelp!), and HOLY SMOKES. It was amazing. I would have eaten there every night of our trip. They had giant burritos, burrito bowls, and yummy chips and salsa. We loved it.
^BURRITO BOWL. Delish.^ |
The kids started putting lemons in their obviously I made them hold them in their teeth until I got a good photo. I'm nice like that.
Also I took these pictures with the flash on, and I literally almost fell over when Brighton cheesed it as hard as he could when he saw the flash go off. Haha! That kid.
^Camden was thrilled^ |
Afterwards, we went on a quest around Panama City Beach to find the best ice cream.
We ended up at Hershey Ice Cream Parlor, and we ordered the biggest banana split they offered. It was MASSIVE, and it was incredible. We all dug in!
^Also how cool is the shark surf board table?? The boys thought it was awesome^ |
^They had a giant map where you could put a pin in the state you were from. Brighton kept sneaking over and trying to rip out all of the pins. But I caught him in the act in this picture! Haha^ |
We polished off the ice cream and then we had a dance party in the parking lot.
It was the perfect ending to a super fun day!!
(The last post about Florida is coming up, next. Stay tuned!)
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