
C O L O S S E U M.

When we were arranging our itinerary for our time in Rome, we knew that the Colosseum had to be one of the first things on the list. I mean, OBVIOUSLY. It's the Colosseum!!!

So after we arrived in Rome and got a good night's rest in our cute hotel, we woke up bright and early to eat breakfast before heading over. Our hotel offered to bring breakfast straight to our room each morning, which was a life saver when we had early ticket times to make. The breakfast was delish--and was made up of croissants, meats & cheese, yogurt, and fresh juice. (I would totally recommend looking for a hotel that does this if you're planning a trip to Rome. Makes the start to your day so much easier!)
The Colosseum was about a 25 minute walk from our hotel, so we hopped in a taxi to make sure we were there for our ticket time (another tip: Pre-book EVERYTHING. It will save you so much time!). I'll never forget when we were chatting in the back seat, rounded a corner, and there it was. 

THE ACTUAL COLOSSEUM. We were there in real life, and we could hardly believe it!!
Since we were there so early (and had pre-bought our tickets), we only had to wait in a little line before going in. But as early as it was, the gypsies were already going strong! haha.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, there's a problem with gypsies begging for money/ stealing from tourists at some of the more popular attractions around Rome. 
(Can you spot the gypsy below?)
But then, we were in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^I loved watching Jordan soak everything in. He's wanted to come here his whole life. (me too, but he was so cute.)^

After being there for a while, I waited for the "awe" of being inside the Colosseum to wear off, but it never did. We both basically just geeked out the entire time. It was SO COOL. 

We shared some headphones and listened to Rick Steves tell us all about the history of the Colosseum as we wandered, and it was INSANE. Just so crazy and interesting! He told us all about the bloody battles that would take place on the stage in front of thousands of spectators (yikes), the trap doors that led to a maze of underground tunnels and walkways, the tickets used to get into the stadium for events (pieces of broken pottery), and he filled us in on bits and pieces of the Roman empire and how much power they held. 

All of it just blew our minds. 
^You can see some of the walkways beneath what would have been the stage, here^
^Underground tunnels^
The crazy thing to me was not only the beauty and majesty of the INSIDE of the Colosseum, but the beauty of every archway looking OUT as well.
One archway looked out onto the Roman Forum, and it was just stunning. 
We stopped there for a minute to watch all of the people (the size of ants) below, and to also pinch ourselves that we were actually there. 
^He's the best.^
^The Arch of Constantine is behind/below us!^
Just unreal. I seriously wanted to take a photo of the view through every archway we passed.

It felt like we were in a time warp. 

One where the inside of the Colosseum was ancient and crumbling and still-- but the outside world was moving around it as if this massive, beautiful structure hardly existed. Cars were honking, people were crossing sidewalks with headphones in and eating their breakfast, and all the while we just watched them through the eyes of the Colosseum. 
So beautiful!
We walked around together for a long time, just exploring the Colosseum and soaking it all in. We were so glad we didn't go with a tour group so we could spend as little or as much time we wanted in each place. (Plus Rick Steves' audio guide was literally the best.)
^I can't even tell you how many times he quoted Gladiator while we were here. (Hint: SO MANY TIMES.) haha^
There's a small section of the Colosseum that they've turned into a museum. There are preserved artifacts, replicas, and original busts from hundreds and hundreds of years ago. So amazing!
These next sculptures absolutely blew my mind. Can you even believe they are carved out of STONE? As in, someone literally chiseled these guys out of rock. (What have I even done with my life?? haha)

The detail on all of their faces made me feel like they would come to life and start talking to me at any second. Kind of creepy, and kind of awesome.
It had been a cloudy morning, but the sun peeked its way through, so we headed outside to explore a bit more before we left.

The crowd had picked up a little bit, but we still felt like we had the place pretty much to ourselves. (Another perk of traveling during the off-season!)
^So obsessed with the color of these bricks. Just unreal^
^I could have sat here and people-watched all day long.^
Then we headed out of the Colosseum and walked around the outside for a little while. 

I feel like these photos don't even remotely do it justice!! Staring up at it from the street made me feel small, but in the best way possible. Does that even make sense?? Gah.

It was so breathtaking. 
^Best. Date. Ever.^
^After seeing this photo, Jord said, "It kind of looks like we're just standing in front of a green screen." haha. But I swear it's real!^
^lovers in Rome^
We didn't want to leave, but we were starving. So we set out for some food and vowed to come back the next day!!

After we found food, we stopped for gelato.

This time I got milk chocolate + pistachio, and it was delish!!
What a great morning.
(And that feels like the understatement of the year. NBD, just went to the Colosseum. Haha) 

The Colosseum was absolutely amazing. If you've ever even thought about going, BOOK THE TRIP. Make a plan, and make it happen. 

I will never forget this day for a thousand years!!

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