To see previous posts about this trip, go here:
part I -Cafe Rio & Gravelly Point
part II -Washington Monument & Smithsonian
part III -Abe Lincoln & cheeseburgers
^Arlington National Cemetery^ |
Before we left on our trip, we put together a list of things we wanted to make sure to do while in/ near D.C. And one of our "must-sees" on that list was Arlington National Cemetery. With all of it's history and reverence to those who had fallen for our country, we knew we needed to see it and share it with the kids.
And I'm so glad we did!
^The sheer number of headstones is enough to take your breath away.^ |
One of the first things we sought out when we got there was the John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame. It was really neat to see, and the feeling there was just so reverent. After we saw it, the boys asked us about the Kennedy family and if a lot of people knew who they were. We were, you could say that. Haha.
But it really was so cute to see them learn so much about American history in such a hands-on, impactful way. We had so many good moments like that with them here!
^The Eternal Flame at the Kennedy's grave site^ |
^Sweetest Cammers^ |
We then headed up to The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to watch the changing of the guards. This was one of my very favorite things we saw, and the kids were all enthralled by it, too.
If you ever go to Arlington Cemetery, you
must make sure to be there for this. It was such a cool experience to have!
^Waiting for the changing of the guards to begin^ |
^The boys loved watching the guards march. It really was so cool^ |
The Memorial Amphitheater behind the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was so stunning. After the changing of the guards ceremony, we climbed up to get a better view of everything, and wow. It was just beautiful!
^I love this all-boy crew! I still can't believe we will be adding a baby GIRL to this bunch so soon.^ |
^Mr. Becks^ |
A couple of the boys and I headed back over to see what was going on at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier when we heard music, and we got there just in time to hear a soldier playing the famous Taps song on his trumpet while the wreath was changed.
I guess this isn't done every time the guards are changed (which is why we thought it was over and walked away earlier), but we were lucky enough to be nearby and head back for it.
I'll always remember listening to that song with my boys as we watched the soldiers--with the Washington Monument and the planes flying by as a backdrop. It was incredible.
^Boston was super excited to see a real soldier's uniform up close^ |
^Love this big boy^ |
The kids did so good at being respectful and reverent at the cemetery, but they were definitely ready to run and play (without us hushing them) by the time we were done. So we yelped some parks nearby, and ended up at the cutest little park in Arlington.
It was labeled as a "micro-park" because it was just a tiny little thing sandwiched between a thousand apartment buildings, but it was perfect and the kids LOVED it.
^In heaven playing in the sand^ |
We ate sack lunches on the park bench while we let the kids just play and have fun, and it was awesome.
(I also met a local mom there who gave me all the D.C. tips, which was totally an added perk!!)
After lunch, we loaded back up into the car and headed to Georgetown for some treats that came highly recommended by our local D.C. friends: BAKED & WIRED CUPCAKES.
And trust me, the all caps are totally necessary for that place...because yum!!
^See what I mean?? Flavors were fresh strawberry, unicorn confetti, cookies & cream, and pistachio^ |
^My fave: the cookies & cream^ |
Such a great morning/afternoon!
The last bits of our trip are coming up next in my final D.C. post. If you've stuck through all of these, you deserve a gold star!! Or a Baked & Wired cupcake. Because man, those were good.
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