

This is a random post containing bits of our life at school and adventures in the city. Just fyi, we are FREEZING here. This past week has averaged at -10 degrees, during the sunny daytime. Brrr!! We're not letting the cold stop us though, we are still having a blast!

Exhibit A: Jord makes Stacia stand behind the board so he can draw an almost flawless replica of her head. :-)

Exhibit B: Bundling up to brave the weather! One of the 5 year old students saw me with the scarf over my face, pointed at me, and yelled, "Bad guy!!" :-)

This is our lovely hallway, that ALWAYS reeks of rotting garbage and bad BO. Our apartment is the door straight ahead.

This is our trusty elevator that we ride everyday. It takes approximately one hour to get from the 15th floor (where we live) to the bottom floor in this elevator... not kidding. Its just a tad rickety and scary to step into. One of the guys in our group got stranded in it for 2 hours the other day. Fun times!

A random cool church downtown!

I forgot to put up a couple Thanksgiving pics of Jord's other class. This is Dasha (on the left), and Stacia (on the right). Stacia is our favorite!! She is a doll. She's 10 years old, and has the best English in the whole program. We want to take her home!

These guys were obviously thrilled that I took a picture of them... haha. Nastya is on the left, and Sofia is on the right. We don't really want to take them home.

*To fully appreciate this story, you have to know that Jord is trying to teach his kids cool American slang words so they will fit in if they come to America. He just taught them the phrase "Sweet!" the other day...

Stacia and Dasha decided to draw their dream house during the class breaks. Afterwards, they had chalk all over their faces so Jord said, "Girls, go wash off your faces so your parents don't ask why you are covered in chalk."

Stacia quickly responded, "No, its ok. I will say to them, 'We draw a sweet house!'" :-)

You gotta love American slang. haha.

We took a picture right as we got to the school, after ten minutes of walking outside in the middle of the day. My hair was FROZEN, and both of our eyelashes were frozen too! Nuts!

Frozen hair!

Frozen Eyelashes!

Last but not least, Jord always tells crazy stories to his classes if they are good, and the LOVE it! I took a tiny video of him telling one about a boy from India named Muhammad, escaping from some dinosaurs. I seriously love this guy. :-)


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Jordan cracks me up. I especially love how he tries to roll away from the dinosaurs. It's a flawless escape plan, if I do say so myself. And Kelsey, just so you're aware, you are absolutely gorgeous. Even with frozen hair =P You two are such a darling, perfect couple!

  2. That is a sweet looking house. I was going to say a post or two ago that i think it is great that you are teaching them slang but I would love to see the looks they'd get using "sluff school" in the US outside of Utah. I love reading your blog, you guys always make me laugh! Come back already so we can laugh in the same room!
