We were so excited when Syd and Tyler told us they would be flying from Utah to Kentucky to spend Thanksgiving with us!! The kids seriously counted down the days. I was sure the boys would smother them 24/7 when they arrived...and I was right. haha! Luckily, they were such good sports, and played with them non-stop.
Here are a few pictures from when they got here! (Trust me...I have like five more posts with them in it after this one, so don't panic. Billions of photos. Haha! We crammed a lot of fun into their visit.)
^Dance party!^ |
They were so cute and brought the kiddos presents when they came. Ninjago legos for the boys, and a fluffy animal book for Holland. They nailed it!
^I love Camden's face in this one. So excited!!^ |
We were lucky to have them here for a Sunday, and the kids loved showing them off at church! And I won't lie...it was really nice having a couple extra sets of hands to off set the sacrament meeting craziness that usually happens on our bench! haha. We loved having them in our cute little Elizabethtown ward.
^Dying over him. Constantly.^ |
^How cute are these two??^ |
^Camden LOVED Tyler. So sweet.^ |
It was one of our favorite missionary's last Sundays, so we had to snap a quick picture with him before he headed home to Utah! Since we've moved so much the last little bit, we've been in THREE areas with him. What are the odds of that?? haha. We've got to stop moving. (We miss you, Elder Rasmussen!)
^Post-church tower building!^ |
After Sunday dinner that night, we got the kids in jammies and threw them in the car for "Christmas in the Park"! (A drive-through Christmas light set-up at the park by the lake here in E-town.) We didn't know what to expect with a small town light show, but we were all pleasantly surprised! Good job, Elizabethtown. You really rocked the cute light show!!
The kids LOVED it.
^This was my favorite. Santa, flying a jet with his reindeer. So cute!^ |
^Disney Christmas!^ |
So fun!!
Also, look at these cute pictures of my boys. Thanks for snapping these, Syd!! The cuteness is killing me. They have enough personality between them to fill a stadium. I love it.
More pictures with Syd & Tyler (and our Thanksgiving!), coming up soon!!
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