Such a great holiday. Anything that's centered around food has my vote! But really, it is so fun to just be with family, and take time to stop and count all of our blessings. We are so lucky to have what we have.
This year it was especially fun to have my sister, Syd, and her boyfriend Tyler with us in Kentucky! It was such a blast to have them here for the holiday. We kicked off Thanksgiving with a good old fashioned turkey bowl the night before Turkey Day, and it was so much fun! It was rainy and chilly, but we bundled up and had such a fun night cheering on Jordan and Tyler as they played football!
^I love these little beans!^ |
^Bundled boys!^ |
^He kept pointing at the field yelling, "Daddy! Boot-ball! Daddy! Boot-ball!" It was the cutest.^ |
^Boston thinks he's fifteen. He goes up to the big kids and plays with no worries at all! haha^ |
^Worst quality photo, cutest football baby.^ |
It was POURING rain the whole time, but that didn't stop the kids from running around and having the time of their lives. They made mud pies, chased each other on the field, and loooooved staying up past their bedtime. It was pretty awesome.
^Camden was loving it. Look at that grin!^ |
^He is getting so big.^ |
^He loves his Aunt Syd!^ |
After the kids were beat, we headed home and changed out of all of our soaking wet clothes. The boys ran around in their undies for a good half hour before bed, because of course! haha. It was pretty cute.
Then after the kiddos were asleep, Syd and I got started on MAJOR Thanksgiving day food prep for the next day!! My gosh. Thanksgiving is so awesome, but man. It takes SO MUCH WORK. Syd was making pies til 3:00 in the morning!! Insanity.
^I love these little crazies!^ |
^Just the beginning.^ |
^I think we took this around midnight. We were getting a little crazy!^ |
Then it was Thanksgiving morning!! We woke up and watched the parade for a bit, and then got right back in the kitchen to prep more food. We were literally in the kitchen from 9-5, just cooking our little hearts out! When we sat down to the feast at the end, we were exhausted. But guys, the food (and the memories!) made everything sooooo worth it. It was DELISH!!
^Peelin' sweet potatoes!^ |
^Making rolls with Syd!^ |
About half-way through the cooking extravaganza, we had to stop for a caffeine/ buffalo chicken dip break. Because OBVIOUSLY.
(P.S., if you haven't made
this buffalo chicken dip yet, you need to asap. It will change your life!)
It was just the boost we needed to get us to the finish line!
^"Dis is yummy, momma!"^ |
Then it was time.
^Holland was ready to EAT.^ |
^Turkey time!!^ |
^Carving the roast beast^ |
^Boston took this. I think he got a great photo of Jord. haha!^ |
^The cool-kid table^ |
^Holland was so excited for food!^ |
^SO GOOD!!!^ |
^They are goobers. And they stole my phone to take this, so obviously I'm going to post it.^ |
After dinner, the
missionaries came over for dessert and some gingerbread house-making! We LOVE our missionaries. I'm so glad they could hang out for a bit of Thanksgiving with us.
^Camden's face after he snuck a mouthful of frosting^ |
^Boston was so into it. He wanted his to look exactly like the box!^ |
Dessert time!!
^Time for PIE! We had chocolate wonder, dutch caramel apple, pumpkin, and apple crisp!^ |
^Holland was a big fan of dessert.^ |
^Tyler was too. Haha!^ |
Then we all piled on the couch/ floor and crashed hard.
It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without a post-food crash! haha.
^Just look at that Holland Beck. SO PRECIOUS.^ |
We had the best Thanksgiving Day ever. It really is such a great holiday.
For past Thanksgivings, go here:
2015 (Destin, FL)
2014 (Lexington, KY)
2013 (Lexington, KY)
2012 (Brussels, Belgium)
2011 (Rexburg, ID)
2010 (Moscow, Russia)
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