Our sweet baby GIRL is here, and we could not be happier!!
Monroe Skye McMurtrey was born on January 27, 2020, at 6:30 in the morning. She was 8 lbs even, and measured 21 inches long. She came out pink, screaming, and perfect in every way.
We are in love.
Her due date was the day before she was born (Sunday, the 26th), and I was convinced she was never coming out. I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions for months, and I thought my body was just destined to be pregnant for the rest of forever (if you've been pregnant...you know this feeling at the end). Let's take a look at some of our Sunday family photos from that day, for giant-full-term-pregnant-belly reference.
^40 weeks and feeling like I was going to POP at any second!^ |
We went to church as usual, lounged around, went to a friend's baptism that afternoon, and did the bedtime routine with the kiddos as usual. I remember complaining to Jordan that night that I thought this baby might NEVER come--and it felt extra rough since babies #3 and 4 had both come two weeks early. I was discouraged and SUPER uncomfortable.
But at about 1:30 in the morning, things kicked into gear...and I KNEW it was the real deal. After laboring at home for a while, we called a friend to come sit with the kids and Jordan and I headed to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital at 3:30 in the morning, and our sweet Monroe was born at 6:30. She was posterior and had the cord around her neck, so her delivery was WILD. I was screaming at the top of my lungs and having to move in all sorts of crazy positions to get her to flip the right way. It was intense. But she moved, and everything worked out.
And the second I saw her face, it was all worth it.
Every. single. second.
^exhausted mama and precious new babe, minutes after her birth^ |
^That chubby body! And the hair!!^ |
^meeting his daughter for the first time.^ |
^so tired and so happy^ |
^the most precious.^ |
Jordan left me and Monroe to rest for a bit (which is pretty much impossible when 500 people are coming in and out of your room to check on you, but oh well haha), and he came back later with the boys so they could meet their new sister!
Watching them with her pretty much melted my heart into a giant puddle of goo.
^Camden has always had the softest heart for babies. He is the absolute best with her.^ |
But as cute as the boys were with their sister, nothing prepared my heart to see Jordan with his one and only baby GIRL. I seriously could not handle watching them together (still can't).
She's everything he never knew he needed.
The boys went home for the night, and Monroe and I hung out and watched old episodes of The Office at the hospital. We tried to get some sleep, and I woke up the next morning just in awe that I had a new baby. It's the craziest feeling--when they go from literally being a part of you to sleeping in a bassinet next to you.
She was just so, so perfect. (and still is)
^My girl^ |
^baby burrito^ |
Jordan got the older three boys off to school, and then brought Brighton over to see us for a while. Before she was born, I wasn't sure how Brights would handle a new baby (he had been the king at our house for a while), but he was absolutely smitten with Monroe. He was so gentle and sweet with her from the very beginning, and I love this photo I took of him trying to help put socks on her tiny feet.
^the one and only time in her life she's ever taken a binky^ |
They stayed for a while, and then left to be home for the boys when they came home from school. And then I ordered Jimmy Johns.
I'm always starving post-baby...and the hospital food just wasn't cutting it haha.
^my two loves. haha^ |
Later that day, we asked our good friends (the Robinsons) to come and take some photos of us in the hospital with our newest addition!
I will cherish these photos forever.
^McMurtrey, party of SEVEN.^ |
^kisses for baby sis^ |
And these next photos of Monroe with her four bodyguards...
They are obsessed with her.
And so are we!
My friend made Monroe this onesie before she was born (she was the only person we told her name to beforehand...and swore her to secrecy! Haha), and it made me tear up when I saw it. It made things seem so real that we would have an actual baby girl soon, and I was just so excited.
So when I got to put the onesie on Monroe when she was finally here, my heart just about burst!
^so sad but still so cute^ |
The Robinsons (that came to take our photos) are like family to us here in KY, and we were so happy that Jayden could be one of the first people to hold little Monroe. She was the first non-family member to hold Brighton after he was born, so it was special that it got to happen again! She is our number one babysitter, and just an amazing person and friend. (We love you, Jayden!!)
After we took some photos, we got to check out of the hospital early (hallelujah!). I was SO happy to be headed home to my own bed and space again. Monroe was the cutest tiny thing in her car seat.
We were all in a bit of a sleepless fog for a while after we came home, but it was worth it. It always is. And this time around, I wasn't in as big of a rush to get back to "normal" (whatever that is anyway haha). I wanted to really cherish that fresh baby newness that fades away so fast.
I loved having the time right after she was born to just slow down and spend time soaking in every bit of her sweet little self.
^sweetest photo of my life^ |
^sleepy, happy days^ |
^I will never be over these two^
Having a girl has been so, so fun. And it just keeps getting better and better!
It's the little things that I love so much-- like, I crack up every time her headband slips down and covers her eyes. It's something so small, but I've never experienced it before with any of my other babies (obviously haha), and it makes me so happy every time. She is just perfect.
We love you, little Monroe!!
We are so happy you're in our family. You are the most perfect ray of sunshine, and we feel lucky to have you. You are just the most precious angel.
We can't imagine life without you! Welcome to our crazy crew.
My babies:
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