
Bluegrass ward Trunk or Treat!

Our ward had its annual trunk or treat last weekend, and Boston was SO stinking excited to be there. As we were driving to the church, there was like, a tangible excitement in the air, is really the only way to cliche-ly put it. (that was a terrible sentence.) But there was a definite pre-trick-or-treating buzz going on. All the candy anticipation and such. (You know the kind.)

Side note: On the way to our church, there are approximately 12 other churches on the same road. Most are bigger, pretty massively giant, actually. And most are Baptist of some kind. Boston thinks it's an awesome game to figure out which church is ours. It goes a little something like,

"Dat not our church. Dat one not our church...... DAT ONE OUR CHURCH, MOMMA!!"

Yelling it like he just won a million bucks. Stinking cute.

And so. Trunk or treating! With Captain America and gang.

Spooooooky ghost selfie with "cat-woban and souuup-a-ban!" as Boston says.

Boston talked about this awesomely decorated spider car for days. He randomly remembers it while he is eating dinner, or laying in bed at night, or mid-prayer, and yells, "Ohhhh man. Spider car AWESOME!" It gets me every time.

IF THIS PICTURE IS NOT THE CUTEST THING EVER..... my gosh. I just die every time.
It is the epitome of childhood, right here. A bucket of candy, a cheap costume, rosy cheeks... I love it.

We love the missionaries in our ward. They are the bomb diggity. They're buddies with Boston, who now always asks about the "Elduws." He loves them.

It probably helps that they call him "Captain" at church. I'm pretty sure he thinks it's his name.

So, Jord and I have never really dressed up for Halloween. But with Boston, not dressing up wasn't an option. I think he has asked us "What Mommy be?" and "What Daddy be?" (for Halloween) like a zillion times a piece. So we thought, yolo! And jumped in.

And now. I give you one hundred variations of superhero family photos.
You're welcome in advance for Camden's Batman headpiece. And chubby-faced smile.
And overall cuteness.

Side note about Clark Kent's costume (Apparently I'm really good at this side note business. aka, I'm kind of all over the place? I don't know): Anywaaaaaaays, he was going to wear his glasses, you know, because Clark Kent wears glasses. Duh.

But then. YOU GUYS. A certain recently-potty-trained-two-year-old in our household decided that it would be awesome to go...ahem...number two in his undies right before we left.

TMI. And so disgusting, I know.

So, you could say Clark was a little distracted and forgot his glasses, due to the poo-poo incident of '13. And he went with the contact lenses instead. Woof.


So then we got home and we were like "We didn't take enough pictures! Let's take more." (I don't know.)
And I was all, "Jord, be serious for this one."

Then we were like "We are idiots."

So, I feel like Halloween is over and done. Parties parties parties, candy candy candy. Barf. 
But hey! It's not over yet.

Because apparently, trick-or-treating in Lexington has been moved to tomorrow night....November 1st. Due to crappy weather or something. Can you really just up and move Halloween??? Mehhhhh.
And so. Gird your loins! 

Cause Halloween is taking over my liiiiife! So I'm sure you will see another post about it soon.
In the meantime, eat some candy.
That's what I'm doing.

Happy Halloween!



So, Kentucky has my heart. One million times over. I know I know...I'm always raving about Kentucky, and you're probably like "Okay. Enough! I can't handle this cheesefest anymore" but you guys, I can't stop!! I am in luuuurrrve with this place.

Last weekend we went out to Keeneland to see some of the last horse races of the season (until May). They did races pretty much all moth, and of course we waited til the last possible second to get out and see one. But yo! We made it! And it was a blast.

It's such a unique environment at a horse race. You can't really explain it until you've been there, but alas. I will try. So, imagine lots of rich people smoking cigars, hoards of people wandering aimlessly with giant beer cups, tons of crowds, and you betcha, lots of gambling.

Yep. Basically Vegas. Imagine Vegas.

Then throw in some horses, and you've got yourself some good, clean fun!
(Er...minus the good and clean, for some people. But okay.)

Random side note: Boston gets stopped every five feet now, because he's always wearing Boston garb. (And the Sox are in the world series.) People are always like,
"Yeah! You know who to cheer for!" "Go Sox!" "You've got your team right, kid!"

And Boston just grins. He has no clue what they're saying, so I'm sure he's just thinking, "Yeah! I'm the shiz!"

Obligatory selfie. Because YOLO.

Right before a race starts, this little man in a sweet old-school ensemble comes out onto the track, and sounds the trumpet alarm. For real. Did anyone else think that this only happened in movies??

Well folks, this is real life. And a real little trumpet man. So awesome and also, so weird.

Sometimes I look at Boston and I just about melt from his cuteness. Seriously, I just can't even. Where did this tiny human come from?? And how is he mine?????

(I know where he came from, you guys. Trust me. I KNOW. A mother will never forget that process called labor. Even if she wanted to. Woof. Okay, tangent over. Now back to the cuteness!)

Mesmerized by racing horsies.

When Boston saw these miniature jockey men, I'm fairly sure he thought they were all his new buddies. He would point excitedly at one and ask "Mom! Was dis name??" and then at another, "Was dis one name??"

So perfectly two-year-old'ish and cute of him.

You guys. The grounds at Keeneland are In-SAAAANE-ly beautiful. Off the hizzy (??). Especially right now. The fall leaves, the perfect archways and grass... bah. I was dying. I'm fairly sure I was creeping out strangers left and right by snapping a hundred pictures, but I didn't care one bit.

Uh, lady, why you taking pictures of me?

Not you, random balding dude. Just the freaking amazing grounds.

They brought some horses out for the kids to pet, and Boston about lost it. He was so excited. He was freezing and starving and had snot dripping down his face by this point, but he didn't care one bit. He lit up like a light when he got to pet that horse.

So priceless.

Now's about where you say, So, you even took pictures of the parking lot?? You're kind of a psycho.

I know, I know.
I just couldn't help it!!! I mean, just look.

He's a heart-melter. This one.

And whallah. 
Another thing crossed off my 25 before 25 list!

And also, reason 974 why I think I might need to stay here for ever and ever, amen.


Boston's Halloween bash!

Boston has been stinking excited for Halloween since, I don't know, mid-summer time? So I thought what the heck. Let's make this year's Halloween the best one yet for him. And throw a little party! So, boom.
That's what we did.

We invited some of Boston's tiny friends over, and guys. Did we party or what?! It was an all around sugar high-costume-cupcake-kid fest. And it was a blast.

And so.
We got down and boogied to the monster mash! Well, two littles did.
And it was sooo cute!
(Side note: In case you haven't noticed already, you're in for another round of high quality phone photos. Hold on to your hats!)

(the audience)

We got made into toilet paper mummies. Well, Sophia did! And she made a darling mummy, at that. I swear, I could eat this girl. She is that cute.

We decorated spooky treat bags, and we had LOTS and LOTS of Halloween-ish snacks! And I'm 99 percent sure that was every kid's favorite part. Eating ten pounds of sugar before nap time??
Sounds like an excellent plan to a two-year-old!
To the moms? Not so much.

The kids were so cute dressed up in their costumes. Declyn made an adorable Buzz Lightyear. Boston kept going up to him and yelling excitedly in his face--

"I push you buttons? Beep boop, BEEP BOOP!" while pushing Declyn's costume crazily. So. stinking. cute.

I think Titan gets the award for the best 'on-command' smile. That kid! My gosh. Every time he saw a phone pointed at him, he dropped what he was doing and sported the most perfect smile ever. What a crack up!

Rachel and her sweet baby Landon! He was a good sport to put up with all of the bigger kids. But hey, at least he had some other baby-friends to play with, right? I love babies. They're pretty rad.

"Hey Boston! I mean, er, Captain America! Give me a smile?"

Good enough. 

And okay. Can I just take a minute and tell you how much Boston LOVES Captain America? Because he does. Like SO much, you guys. He has two different Captain helmets, a Captain action figure, two different shields, a Captain t-shirt, the movie, a Captain blanket..... woof. You get the idea.

But no complaints here. Because hi. Look at him. 
Freaking cute.

And don't even get me started on these two. Mark my words. They will be married someday.
(You guys are cool with arranged marriages, right Alicia? Okay perfect.)

These kids. Are they not he cutest things ever?? Even though a group shot with two year olds is, let's be real here, impossible, we still gave it our best shot. I think the sugar rush had started in at this point too, so that was definitely not helping our cause.

And now, I give you the best two photos. (of approximately 232 tries.)

All in all, our little party was a success! Boston now asks me everyday, 17 times a day, when we are going to have another "spooky party."

Maybe next year, kid. Maybe next year.