October! Pumpkins! Orange leaves! Halloween! And all other fun fall-ish things!
I love October. I was kind of on the couch a lot for the month, but we still did a lot of fun things. (Man, I am so glad that the morning sickness phase is over!! Have I mentioned that? Just checking.) My boys basically counted down 'til Halloween every day of October. They were SO excited for trick-or-treating! We also watched Curious George's Halloween Boofest approximately one thousand times. Ka chow!
And so, photos! (LOTS OF THEM.) From the month of October! Let's start off with a reeeaaallly good one, shall we?
^^Told you it was good! This kills me every time!!^^ |
^^Heart-melter.^^ |
^^This totally reminded me of THIS photo of Boston from a couple of years ago, when we were in Paris!^^ |
Boston begged and begged to carve pumpkins, but I was feeling so crappy that we just kept putting it off. Finally I decided to suck it up for a night, and we carved us some pumpkins for FHE! We threw some garbage bags on the table and went to work. Bost and Cam weren't sure about the whole pumpkin guts idea, but they still had a blast.
^^"I see 'em, Mom. I see the guts."^^ |
^^This Camden boy. Do you think he likes his daddy, maybe just a little bit? Also, WRIST CHUB.^^ |
^^He called this one the "Mr. Potato Head punkin"^^ |
^^He was SO proud of these things. Especially the "opp-o-miss prime punkin"^^ |
Speaking of pumpkins, here are a few extra photos from when we announced Baby #3,
back here!
(I can't believe how much bigger my belly has gotten since then! Holy smokes!!)
^^BOSTON'S FACE. I am dying!!^^ |
^^I can't believe I will have another little man soon. I can't wait!!^^ |
Since the Fall weather in Kentucky is basically perfect, we spent a lot of time playing outside! At the park, at the ball field, riding bikes, feeding the ducks... just soaking in the great weather. It was so glorious!
(And actually, looking at these pictures right now is KILLING ME... because we are currently trapped inside our house due to a polar vortex. And ten inches of snow. Yeah. Come back to me, warm weather!!!)
And here are some random photos of my goofy children:
^^I mean, that face.^^ |
^^I looked back in the car one day, and he was just chilling like this. So weird, and proud of it.^^ |
^^Poor Jord. Trying to get a quick nap... and Cam decides to play toys on his head.^^ |
October meant a few more soccer games, and the end of the season. Boston seriously had the time of his life on his little soccer team. It was basically the cutest thing ever watching him play out on the field. I mean, three year olds! Are they not the cutest, or what??
Also, Jord was the cutest coach I have ever seen. The kids LOVED him. He is just the best. (And I'm not biased. Not at all.)
^^Team photo! ADORABLE.^^ |
^^These two. I love them.^^ |
^^"Mom, I won a trophy! Boston won! Are you so proud of me?"^^ |
^^This picture. Boston and his little buddy from our ward. So cute!^^ |
In mid-October, we went on a super fun field trip to Devine's Pumpkin Patch in Harrodsburg, Kentucky! The boys got to go on a hay ride and pick out their very own pumpkins, and they thought it was the coolest thing ever. Besides the hay ride and the pumpkin patch, there were TONS of fun activities for the kids. They had an absolute blast!!
^^So proud of their pumpkins!^^ |
^^I love these babies!!^^ |
^^Super-Bost!^^ |
^^Camden was so afraid of this fake cow...he wouldn't get within ten feet of it! Boston, on the other hand, thought it was awesome. And he also thought it was real. "Hey mom? Why this cow is not moving?"^^ |
^^Tractor-pull ride!^^ |
^^Poor Cam couldn't see through is crooked hat... and so I took pictures instead of helping him. Because you know, I'm a good mom like that.^^ |
^^I love this baby.^^ |
^^Lunch break!^^ |
^^Cam's face kills me!!^^ |
^^They loooooved the corn bin. I found kernels in their clothes for days afterwards.^^ |
^^My little pumpkin, in a pumpkin. See what I did there?^^ |
We hung out at the baseball field by our house a lot during the Summer and Fall, because that is Boston's favorite place in the world. For real. The boy LOVES baseball so much!! He would play it every day, all day... and sleep at the dugout if we let him.
^^Ball park selfie with a giant chunk of bread? Why not!^^ |
^^The hand on the hip. Gets me every time! I love when he whips that out for a picture.^^ |
And now for some random photos of me and my boys snuggling. They put up with my couch-dwelling self like champs!! I really think that if your family has to deal with you at all during your first trimester, they should really get a medal or something. Because man. Dealing with a mom that can't cook or clean or get off the couch? They get the shaft!!
^^Hashtag: real life.^^ |
^^I found approximately fifty Boston selfies like this one on my phone. Oh, how I love that chubby face!^^ |
^^This boy. While I was on the couch, he would sit and play with trains for hours. I love him!^^ |
And finally... HALLOWEEN!!
If you remember from
this post last year, we dressed up like a family of superheros for Halloween. So this year I had grand visions of doing something totally different and cute and creative... but amidst the barfiness... it didn't happen. And so, we were superheros again! Because of course! And please tell me that Bost and Cam are not the cutest chubby superheros you have ever seen in your life. I couldn't even handle them in their costumes!! So freaking cute.
Sigh. Having little boys is just the best.
And now, our ward Halloween party!
^^Black Widow, Wolverine, Spiderman, and Ironman!^^ |
^^I CAN'T EVEN!!^^ |
^^Cam got really into the bean bag toss. Is he not the cutest or what?^^ |
^^My little sweaty vampire-wolverine.^^ |
Next up... the Tates Creek Library party! We went to this same thing last year, and my boys have just loved it. They get to dress up, do singing time, play games, AND get a bunch of candy... so, what's not to love? Also, Jord got to come with us this year, so that was an extra bonus! We sure do love that daddy guy.
^^Shy little Spidey.^^ |
^^Boston got SOOO into his character. Every time the costume went on, Wolverine came out in full force!^^ |
^^Family-library-Halloween-selfie!^^ |
^^Strong man!^^ |
And finally, onto trick-or-treating!!
I was a little nervous when the forecast had freeeeezing cold temperatures expected for Halloween night (and a prediction of SNOW...Yikes!), but we bundled up and headed out anyways. I am so glad we went! We got together with a bunch of friends, and the kids just ran wild from house to house. It was adorable. Definitely cold, but adorable!
^^A blurry Halloween family photo! Because of course!^^ |
^^This was Boston's 'spooky ghost face'. So classic.^^ |
^^The bundled babies and their dads...braving the cold!^^ |
^^Pure joy.^^ |
And there you have it, folks. October! (In February. But hey, better late than never?)
Next up, November! Comin' atcha quick!
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