I am the worst at blogging. For reals though. The last time I blogged was two months ago... (monkey covering eyes emoji!), and that is pretty sad. Life has been pretty crazy-town though, so I kind of feel validated in my lack of presence in the blogging world. A LOT has happened since I regularly blogged. Bah! I feel so behind! So I won't bore you with the tiny details, but here's a brief recap of our summertime so far-- just for the heck of it!
(Side note... don't mind the wide array of photos. Like super not so great quality, blurriness all around, you get the idea. So let's just try and get past it. Mmmkay pumpkin?)
-I was pregnant for most of the month, and definitely feeling it!
-Then finally, I had a baby! He was chubby and delicious and we named him Holland Beck. (more photos to come!)
-We had three weeks of visitors! And it was pretty darn awesome. My best high school friend Jordan, my parents, and then Jord's parents and sister! We loved it.
^^Soaking up every last second with just TWO little boys in my life.^^ |
^^These lovely friends from my ward were my baby buddies. We were all due within a month of each other!^^ |
^^ 36 week photo!^^ |
^^ I looked in the mirror one night as I was brushing my teeth, and just had to document the insane bump. This was the night that Jordan said, "Whoa. You need to have this baby!" ...and three days later, I did.^^ |
^^He arrived two weeks early! My labor was awesome, and such a great experience. Plus, every contraction was totally worth it when I saw his sweet face.^^ |
^^Holland Beck McMurtrey^^ |
^^I know. Can you even handle that face???^^ |
^^We were just smitten from day one. What an angel baby he is!^^ |
^^Meeting baby brother. (PC: jenfolio)^^ |
^^Going home from the hospital!^^ |
-Jordan graduated with a double Masters degree (in
business and International Trade & Commerce) from the University
of Kentucky. I couldn't be more proud of him!!
-I celebrated my 26th birthday!
-The boys and I flew to Utah for my sister's wedding, and it was absolutely gorgeous.
packed up our entire house, and moved it into storage in Lexington, KY,
while pursuing some awesome job leads in the area.
-The kids and I partied it up in Utah with friends, family, and the like!
^^This photo was taken at the MBA Gatton reception. I could not be more proud of this man!^^ |
^^Two of Jordan's best buddies from the MBA program, Gabe and Tom.^^ |
^^Jord's graduation from his double Master's program. He is just incredible. (and not bad looking!!)^^ |
^^It was SUCH a miracle/ blessing that Jordan was able to be here when I had Holland. She took care of my kids, went on Diet Dr. Pepper runs for me, and was basically just a lifesaver. Thanks Jord!!^^ |
^^My parents came out to see the new babe, and we loved having them! We went to Louisville to see the iconic Slugger museum & Churchill Downs... not knowing that we would be moving to Louisville in a few short months!! Its awesome how life works out.^^ |
^^Sorry for the terrible photo quality. Woof! But Jord's parents and sister were able to come out for Jordan's graduation, and so we conveniently had both sets of Holland's grandparents in one place for his baby blessing. It was perfect. What a special day!^^ |
^^I love these babies.^^ |
^^This was moments before I stepped onto a plane...with three children (three and under) fly by myself to Utah. We made it, but yeah, I would rather not do that again. Haha!^^ |
^^The last time Holland would see Daddy for two whole months. So sad!!^^ |
^^You'd better believe that Cafe Rio was my first stop in Utah. Because of course!!^^ |
^^The boys had lots and lots of fun playing with the mini pool in Grandma Gillman's backyard!^^ |
-Jordan was still on the job hunt, and being apart
started to feel preeeeettttyyy crappy, but we counted our many
blessings, and tried to stay positive! We had a lot of AMAZING people
taking care of us, and we felt SO lucky.
-My sister Syd got married and I was so happy that I was able to be there for the festivities!!
-But man, did I miss Jordan. June was a hard month!
^^We FaceTimed. A LOT. We missed Jordan so much, and FaceTime was a huge blessing during our time apart.^^ |
^^Holland boy grew so much during the summer!!^^ |
^^In-N-Out. YUM! I miss you already.^^ |
^^Sydney's wedding!! Isn't she a gorgeous bride? (Please excuse this super awesome quality photo. Yay for iphones!)^^ |
^^Sisters.^^ |
^^The boys were so excited for their Aunt Syd and Uncle "BAN"! Haha.^^ |
^^FaceTiming our favorite guy for family prayer, every single night. Boston never let me forget to call him!^^ |
^^Wise words from President Eyring that got me through a rough patch.^^ |
-Jordan was miraculously offered a temporary job IN UTAH.
One that would PAY FOR HIM to fly to and from Kentucky. What a huge
-Jordan started packing up for Utah, and in the
process... he was offered his top pick job in Louisville, KY! The
starting date happened to be one day after we flew back to Kentucky from
Utah. SO perfect.
-Jordan flew out to Utah, and we were ELATED to see him again!
-We then, with a LOT of help from friends, found a home in Louisville. It was in the perfect location, and we couldn't be more grateful.
^^When Jordan picked up Holland for the first time in two months, he said, "HOLY COW. He is HUGE!!" Haha. And he was right.^^ |
^^Jord's request after landing in Utah? You guessed it. Cafe Rio! We are just a tad obsessed.^^ |
^^My family. Together again!! (Not bad for a self timer propped up on a skateboard, eh?)^^ |
^^They love their daddy!^^ |
^^I kind of like him, too.^^ |
-Jordan completed his job in Utah, then we all flew out to Kentucky together.
-We crashed in a hotel for a night, and then Jordan started work the very next morning. What a whirlwind!!
-That week, we moved into our new home in Louisville!
^^It's sooooo much easier flying with a co-parent. The flights back to Kentucky were a breeze!!^^ |
^^Flying home, at least ten pounds heavier. (Me from the Cafe Rio, him from the milks.^^ |
^^Heart eyes!!^^ |
^^The boys were so confused when we got to the hotel in Louisville. Camden started to make a mess, and Boston said, "Don't do that, Cam! This is our new home and we have to take care of it!" Haha!^^ |
^^Jordan's first day on the job!!^^ |
^^Mooooooooving. It's rough.^^ |
^^Our new house!! It is tiny and perfect and we are in love with it.^^ |
^^Home in Kentucky, at last.^^ |
...then, after all that, we took a very deep breath. Because man, what a crazy few months, you know??
We are so happy to finally be back together again (after a LOOOOONG two months apart. So intense!), and we feel so blessed to have ended up where we did. This process has taught us that not only is Heavenly Father mindful of us, but that if we hang in there and trust Him, He will lead us to bigger and better things than we ever thought possible! And that with a lot of prayer and faith, we can overcome hard things. Like I said, we just feel SO BLESSED in our life right now. Things are so good!!! We are so lucky.
And now that we're all basically up to speed, I am going to try my hardest to get some blog posts flowing again!! Because man, I miss it. And I have at least twelve zillion photos to post. So I'd better get crackin'!
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