Okay! Now that I posted about June (here!), I'm gonna wrap it up reeeeealllly quick with a thousand pictures from July. Even thought its October. Mmmkay pumpkin?
You guys, I just take a lot of photos. And then I always forget to post them on my blog. It's a real issue I have, my friends. SOMEONE HELP ME REMEMBER TO BLOG. Actually, no. That's not the issue. Mostly it's just the I-have-three-kids-and-I-have-no-time thing, you know. Yeah that's got to be it. Haha!
But and so. Here's July! In Utah! In a (VERY LARGE) nutshell! Enjoy.
^^The Fourth of July!!^^ |
^^I love these little stinkers.^^ |
^^Sleepy Holland Beck. There is nothing sweeter!!^^ |
^^These guys spent hours in the kiddie pool. They loved it!^^ |
^^Water balloons with the Mac family!^^ |
^^I love Taly's face in this one!!^^ |
^^Look at our awesome balloons, momma!" |
^^Boston got a little intense on this motorcycle at the Riverton Days Fair!^^ |
^^CAM.^^ |
^^Aunt Syd was a good noise-protector at the parade. Haha!^^ |
^^I had to post this. I mean, the warthog placement on Boston's head!! Gets me every time.^^ |
^^Holland & Grandma Gillman. I'm pretty sure he weighs as much as she does.^^ |
^^Diggin' dirt in Grandma Mac's backyard.^^ |
^^Highland Glen Park!^^ |
^^Little buddies.^^ |
^^I loved meeting up with two of my Kentucky friends in Utah. So good to see you guys, Mallory and Candace!^^ |
^^We FaceTimed with Jordan A LOT, but this particular time Holland really noticed Jordan on the screen. He smiled and cooed at him, and it was enough to make my heart burst into a zillion pieces.^^ |
^^Sweet baby-blue-eyes.^^ |
^^My blurry, happy Boston man. I just love this photo.^^ |
^^Having fun with the Mac fam at the AF Steel days parade!^^ |
^^My baby sister Whitney did a Young Ambassador singing/dancing camp at BYU, and I was SO happy I got to go to her show!! She was incredible.^^ |
^^The giiiirrrllls rooooom... + one very fat Holland. (name that show!)^^ |
^^my golfing boys.^^ |
^^Celebrating Syd's birthday at California Pizza Kitchen^^ |
^^Love these people. P.S., at this point I was DYING without my husband. I missed him!!^^ |
^^Chick-Fil-A day! We would dress up like cows a thousand times for free food.^^ |
^^My boys were invited to participate in a photoshoot for Burt's Bees Baby, and this was taken while we were up in the canyon waiting to be fitted for clothes! (more photos from that shoot, coming soon!!^^ |
^^My mom tagged along to help me with the baby, and I'm SO grateful she did. She was a lifesaver!^^ |
^^I LOVE HIM.^^ |
^^I love this accidental shot I took of Camden on a lazy day in the yard. He is the sweetest.^^ |
^^archery practice.^^ |
^^one puppy + one baby, both sound asleep.^^ |
^^My parents took me out for sushi one night, and I am still dreaming about it. It was AMAZING.^^ |
Then, after two months apart, OUR DADDY CAME TO UTAH!!!!!!!!!
We were just a tad excited about it.
^^SO HAPPY.^^ |
^^I think we were all a little excited to be back together again.^^ |
^^Tibble Fork Canyon! So gorgeous.^^ |
^^This baby is the happiest. Seriously. I can't get over him.^^ |
^^Swimming with Grandma Gillman!^^ |
^^His hair got out of control this summer, and I kind of loved it.^^ |
^^His cheeks got out of control this summer, and I kind of loved those too.^^ |
We drove into Provo to meet up with my friend Ashley and her kids, and Boston saw the "Y" on the mountain. "Look Mom!" he said, "It says UK!!" Haha. I guess the boy has been in Kentucky for a while.^^ |
^^silly faces.^^ |
^^How could I NOT post this?^^ |
^^Date night at Classic Skating!! It was so fun to flash back to our high school days, when this place was a staple on our weekends!^^ |
^^"Momma, I wuv baby Tollin."^^ |
^^We loved meeting up with our good friends, the Wrights, for the 24th of July holiday!^^ |
^^blueberry hand.^^ |
^^fireworks.^^ |
^^Jordan had the day off work one day, so we went to Centennial Park next to the Capital building in Salt Lake City. We had a blast! And this picture of my boys is so funny and cute to me. I must be their biased mother or something.^^ |
^^Jordan and I took some bridal photos here years ago, so it was fun to come back with our three babies!^^ |
^^We loved walking around the Salt Lake City LDS Temple grounds. So gorgeous!^^ |
^^And of course, In-N-Out Burger. Because HELLO.^^ |
^^...and I wonder why we don't go out to eat more.^^ |
^^You see the problem is, no one loves this baby. No one at all.^^ |
^^We had so much fun at the Highland Splash Pad with my mom and sister. The boys loved it!^^ |
^^I mean I know this is blurry, but COME ON. How cute are these muscular boys??^^ |
^^the sweetest.^^ |
^^We love the Gardners!! I'm so glad we could meet up with them while we were in Utah.^^ |
^^Remember how in the summertime you can eat ice cream every night, and no one questions your judgement? It is the greatest.^^ |
^^I lOVE HIM.^^ |
Holy cow.
That was at least a ka-jillion photos. And hey, you're still here reading!
You deserve a medal.
Or one of those cookie-ice cream-sandwiches.
Anyways, that was JULY! Hope you enjoyed it.
And now I need to get cracking on more posts. BAH! I am so behind. But really though.
Love your guts!!
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