Happy Independence Day!!
July 4th really is one of my very favorite holidays. I just love everything about it: the patriotism, the summertime sun, the barbecues, the parades, the watermelon, the swimming, the fireworks...just everything. I feel so lucky to live in this amazing country, and I love celebrating it every year.
This year was a little bit different, since the forecast was RAIN for pretty much the entire weekend. Haha! That definitely put a damper on our outdoor plans, but we improvised and still had such a fun time. Spending time with our little family and fun friends made the weekend so fun, even through the crazy weather! Here's a recap with some photos.
We kicked off the weekend Saturday night with a little date night to Churchill Downs for some horse races. We got all dressed up, cheered super loud, and had a blast with friends. It was an awesome date with my man. Kentucky really is just the best.
We went to
church and tried to keep our children from running rampant around the building. BUT SERIOUSLY. Please tell me we are not the only ones in this boat! Haha.
But as crazy as it was (and as Sundays always are), I'm always so grateful to have the opportunity to go to church. I love the gospel. And I always love the church meeting around the Fourth, because we get to sing all of my favorite patriotic hymns that make me cry. I just feel so lucky to live in this country with my sweet family.
Happy Fourth of July! We were a little discouraged when we woke up and saw the crazy rain forecast for the rest of the day. Most everything was cancelled around the city, but we decided to head out and try and find things to do anyway! We went downtown and found an awesome mural that reminded me just how much others sacrifice so that we can have our freedom. Such a touching thing to think about, and the mural was gorgeous. My boys thought it was the coolest thing ever, and I did too!
^We are super mature.^ |
^"Do you see me, Momma?" |
After we hung out downtown for a bit, we headed over to the Historic District of Locust Grove. It's a gorgeous mansion that was built in the 1700's, and is now a Kentucky landmark. On the Fourth of July every year they have actors dress up and depict how life was in the 17-1800's, and people are free to come and tour the grounds.
It was awesome! The rain cleared up for a little bit just as we got there, so we were able to walk around the pretty grounds and meet some of the people. It really felt like we stepped back in time. (Well, other than the food truck that was parked on the grounds...or the part where I saw a guy that looked like George Washington talking on his iPhone. Ha!) But man, those actors were pretty dedicated. One of the guys even asked Boston if he wanted to come be his apprentice at his printing press, and Boston jumped at the offer when he found out he would get paid money. What can I say, he's a motivated four-year-old! Haha. It was hilarious.
Camden was so scared of the actors the entire time. He kept pointing at them saying, "There's another bad guy, mom" or "those guys are going to get me." Haha! The poor kid. Hopefully we didn't traumatize him too much, because it really was a cool experience.
^Love the old flag!^ |
^Boston was a little creeped out by some of the stuff in the house...^ |
^...and I was too. I mean what if these were staring at you in your dining room??^ |
^The entrance to the basement. It was pretty epic!^ |
^He found this hat & sword and got really into character.^ |
^Camden was terrified of the actors. He was happy to get the heck out of that house.^ |
^Eating rocks, as usual.^ |
Here comes the part where I tried to get a cute picture of my three matching boys:
^Haha! I love these little beans.^ |
^still can't believe he's walking. Waaa!^ |
^"Look at my leaf, momma! It's big as my hat."^ |
^Seriously, that BLONDE hair!! And that grin! I can't handle it.^ |
^love this little munchkin.^ |
After we explored Locust Grove, we headed to an arcade to let the kids have some fun (since it was POURING by this point. Haha!). Then we met up with some friends and ate at the YUMMIEST barbecue place ever. Because if you can't BBQ in your own backyard, then why not go out for it instead?? It was a great decision. I'm still drooling over the fried pickles, brisket, and banana pudding. YUM.
Then we went home and watched Independence day while eating giant brownie sundaes, and we listened to the insane fireworks happening all around our neighborhood. It was awesome.
I loved this weekend with my family, and I love this country.
God Bless America!
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