CHRISTMAS MORNING!! There is literally nothing more exciting when you're a kid. And watching your own kids experience Christmas morning is ten times better!!
Boston and Camden were up bright and early, and ready to see if Santa came. They were giddy!
^Chaotic, blurry happiness.^ |
Santa brought Boston the Ironman dart blasters he wished for, and he could not have been more excited. He popped those puppies out immediately!
^Camden got a HUGE box of wooden puzzles, which are pretty much his favorite things ever. He couldn't wait to dive right in!^ |
^I love these boys.^ |
Holland woke up a little bit later, and it was SO fun to watch his eyes light up as he wandered into a room full of sparkling lights and shiny presents. He was super confused, but really excited.
^He's pointing to the Santa on his stocking, and saying, "Ho ho ho!"^ |
^Lots and lots of BOOKS! His favorite.^ |
^Brothers, just checking out the loot.^ |
Holland got a little walking puppy, and he would not let it go all day. He loved it! Just look at the joy in his face in these photos. SO CUTE.
^Also, check out Boston in the back. He's shooting Holland's dog with his Ironman darts. Haha!^ |
After we opened presents, we got ready and headed to church for the Christmas service! I love when Christmas falls on a Sunday. It's so nice to be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas amidst the Santa and presents hoopla.
It was such a great program!
Then we came back home and crashed on the couch while the kids had a blast with all of their new toys. Christmas is just the best.
^The magic track. Coolest toy ever! The car goes around the track by itself.^ |
^The Paw Patrol Lookout! A favorite present of Cam's from Grandma Mac^ |
When I started to stress about the state of disaster my house was in, I kept repeating a Brene Brown quote over and over in my head: "The magic is in the mess."
Because really, it is. And it's what Christmas with kids is all about.
^Love this man.^ |
^New t-shirt from one of our favorite shows of all time, Friday Night Lights!^ |
Some of the kids' favorite stocking stuffers this year were dino-dig kits, where they got to excavate their own dinosaurs! I won't lie, it was like the messiest thing in the world. My kitchen looked like a straight-up dig site when they were done, and they were covered in dust from head to toe! haha. But they had a blast digging out dinosaur bones, and they were occupied for a long while so I could make dinner!
^COVERED in dust. Haha!^ |
^Cam got a tad impatient with the digging tools, and just tried to bite the dino out. So nasty.^ |
^Holland Beck, just up from his nap.^ |
^Cheeeeeeese!^ |
We had some good friends and the missionaries over for a big Christmas dinner, and it was so much fun! There's nothing like having a house full of good food and good company on Christmas. I wouldn't have it any other way.
^Hey, Plunketts!^ |
^Hey, Elders! (From L-R, Lane, Haws, Millet, and Parks)^ |
After our company left, the boys had to try out their new "bubble body bumpers"! And oh man, it was pretty much the funniest thing I have ever seen. They took turns rolling down the hill outside, and then just pretty much ran into each other at full speed so they could bounce off. Jord and I were both crying from laughing so hard. Best present ever!
So good!! haha.
Now, here's a creepy picture of Camden's face in a Santa baby outfit to end this post. You're welcome.
^Haha! I can't get over how weird this is.^ |
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!
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