Yesterday Holland turned THREE years old! I don't know how it's even possible that he's already three, but we had so much fun celebrating him. He is seriously such a ray of sunshine, and if you don't already know him, you need to.
He has been talking about having a dinosaur birthday party for months and months, so when the time finally rolled around, he could not wait. My friend made him a little shirt that said "Three Rex," and he was over the moon about it. The cutest!
We had a friend party for him at his favorite park where we dinosaur-stomped balloons, smashed a dino pinata, and ate pizza and cupcakes. I think he forgot that we invited people to come to his party, because he was genuinely surprised when his friends would show up. He would go,
"Mom! Yook!! Sarah is here!" (and then two second later) "Mom! Yook! Ben is here!" he was so surprised that they happen to be there too.
Haha. He's hilarious!
^Such a beautiful day for a party!^ |
^The dino cake!^ |
^Party animal^ |
^"Mom! Stop taking my picture!" --Camden^ |
^Pizza time!^ |
^I think he was partied out. Haha! But how cute is that sad face??^ |
^Cutest dad.^ |
His little party turned out perfect, and he had so much fun with his friends. Later that afternoon, we played with some of his fun presents outside while we waited for Boston to get home from school. It was a beautiful day, and we soaked up all the sun we could get!!
Then we headed to dinner as a family at Holland's favorite BBQ joint in town. He loves it because they have the best mac 'n cheese, and they let the kiddos go back to the kitchen and make their own soft-serve ice cream for dessert. He was SO excited to eat there for his birthday dinner!
^Playing with his new dinosaur dig kit with Cam! And yes, that is a cheesy smile...I think? haha^ |
^Popsicles!^ |
Time for dinner!
The boys always want a picture on the famous pig before we go inside and eat. Haha!
^Heart melter. He loves his daddy so much.^ |
^Cutest baby award^ |
After dinner, we went to Camden's soccer game really quick before we had birthday cake at home. (Even on his birthday, he still had to sit at a soccer game. Haha! Hashtag, that brother life)
Holland was cracking us up wearing his new birthday Spider man mask on the sidelines. He literally would not take the thing off, even though he was face was sweating like crazy. We (and all the other parents) were dying!
^This one is going in the wedding video...FOR SURE^ |
Time for cake!!
^Life with brothers.^ |
^Our big three-year-old^ |
Holland Beck, we love you!!
You are the craziest, cutest, loudest, happiest, squishiest, cuddliest, funniest three-year-old I have ever met. We are so glad you're in our family!
Please always stay this cute.
Love, Mom & Dad
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