I'm taking a detour from posting pictures of our Utah/ California trip for a minute to post a few from this past holiday weekend! It was SUCH a good one, and I wanted to blog about it asap! More pictures from our trip will be posted soon--promise!
We had an amazing Memorial Day weekend as a family! We were in desperate need of a long weekend and some time outside in the sunshine, and that's just what we got. It was the best!
We started off our weekend with a picnic in the park! The weather was perfect, and Jordan and I inhaled chips and salsa while the kids ran and played.
Such a fun Saturday evening!
The next day we woke up bright and early for church. It's always madness getting the kids dressed, fed, ready, and out the door by 9:00 by myself (Jordan always has meetings before church), but it's always worth it once we get there. I always know it's exactly where we are supposed to be!
Sundays just fill up my soul!
^I love this little bug.^ |
^Sometimes we just set up camp in the foyer. Haha.^ |
^Love this moment I captured of Jordan helping Brighton walk. So tender!^ |
After church, we ate a big yummy dinner and lounged for a while. Just as a Sunday afternoon should be, in my book!
Then we loaded up the kids in the car, and we headed to a park at Fort Knox (about 20 minutes away). The boys had a blast exploring a new park, and Brighton's knees were seriously black from crawling all around it. Haha! The best.
^Love this man.^ |
^I was spinning them around and around, and they were squealing so loud. It was the cutest!^ |
^DYING over Camden's wink here!^ |
After the park, we drove to a nearby Veteran's cemetery to pay our respects to men and women who have fought for our country. On the way over, we explained to our kiddos what Memorial Day was, and why we are so blessed to live in this great country.
Living here (near Fort Knox) has put us in close proximity to several military men, women, and families, so I could tell how much it really affected the kids when we told them that so-and-so's dad has fought for our country, or so-and-so's mom is in the army. When you personally know people who are being deployed, and see all that their families go through, the term "sacrifice" feels almost tangible.
The boys were so respectful as we walked around headstones and a 9/11 memorial and read the names of people who had passed away.
^Such a neat monument.^ |
On Memorial Day, we woke up bright and early and set off on a little road trip! We headed about an hour and a half away to the city of Owensboro, Kentucky.
Our first stop was Reid's Orchard to do some strawberry picking! We went to this same Orchard last year, and it was fun to carry on the tradition again this year.
The orchards in Kentucky are some of my favorite things ever! Green, beautiful, and HUMID as can be, but still so fun!! The kids loved picking (and eating) about a zillion strawberries.
^The location was SO gorgeous! I love Kentucky.^ |
Once Brighton realized that there were strawberries hiding underneath all the bushes, he started happily FREAKING OUT. He was literally trying to grab them by the handfuls and shove them in his mouth. I was dying!! Haha.
I'm pretty sure he ate like three WHOLE strawberries (with stems and leaves) before I could get them out of his mouth. He was really just digging in!
^THESE BOYS!! My gosh, I love them.^ |
^Snackin'^ |
^Fresh strawberry soft serve on our way out. IT WAS SO GOOD. Seriously, I need it again asap!^ |
After berry picking, we stopped at a local drive-up joint for some burgers, onion rings, and fries. We picnicked at a little park nearby, and tried not to sweat to death from the humidity. (But seriously. It was SO HOT.)
The kids found a drinking fountain spigot that they soaked themselves with to stay cool. Haha, whatever works!
^Brighton's face!! So cute.^ |
After lunch, we headed over to the AMAZING park right on the river in Owensboro. We went to this same park last year, and our kids have been dying to come back ever since!
There's a giant play area and a splash pad, which was perfect for the hot day we had. The boys all got soaking wet (even Brighton!), and they just had the time of their lives!
^"Momma, yook at dis cute turtle."^ |
^Of course the only picture I can get of Camden is a running blur. That boy LOVES his playgrounds and will stop for nothing! Haha^ |
^Found this handsome guy walking around^ |
^Checking out the river^ |
Splash pad time!!
Can we just talk for a minute about how amazing splash pads are? My kids are OBSESSED. Give them a splash pad and chick-fil-a, and they would literally never leave. Just the best!!
^Camden got sprayed in the face right before I snapped this photo. Haha!^ |
^"Hey mom, I got grass in my toes."^ |
^God Bless America! (and diet coke)^ |
We had SUCH a great Memorial Day weekend.
Summer is just around the corner, and I can hardly wait!!
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