You guys!!
I finally organized my life/ photos enough to post about Disneyland! And oh man, going through these just made me want to literally get on a plane tomorrow and head back. (...until how I remember how it is to fly with four young kids. Haha!)
But seriously. There is NOTHING like the magic of Disney.
We started brainstorming about this trip way back in January, and once it was in our minds, we knew we had to do it. Disney is not cheap (+ flights across the country/ hotels/ rental cars), but we worked hard to make it happen, and it was so so so SOOOOO worth it! We still talk about it every day, and our kids are already scheming on how we can make it back.
It was such a perfect trip!!!
^Brighton's face is how we all felt. Pure magic!^ |
^Yay for Disney Birthdays!!^ |
But let's rewind really quick...
We invited my parents and siblings to come with us to Disneyland, and we are SO happy they all came! They made it a blast for us and the kids, and we literally couldn't have done it without them. It was so awesome to have them there with us!
Here's a few pictures of our big crew on our way over to Disney on the first morning. The kids were freaking out with excitement.There's just nothing like it!!
^So excited for DISNEY!^ |
^Oh Tanner, you're a weirdo. Haha. But look how excited Boston is!!^ |
^These boys love their uncles so much!^ |
^I am in tears over Holland's face here. Hahaha!!^ |
^He loves his Aunt Syd!^ |
Classic group picture in front of the flower Mickey time!!
There were a million people who had the same idea, so we settled for an off-to-the-side-photo. Haha!
^The crew! + Holland's level four meltdown^ |
^Hey Jord, we have a lot of kids^ |
^Hey handsome!^ |
The first character we saw in the park was Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), and it was hilarious to watch the boys with her. Number one, they had no clue who she even was, and number two, they thought she was so pretty that they could barely look her in the eye. I was dying!! Haha.
^Then Holland was like, LETS GO ON A RIDE, ALREADY^ |
^So excited for Peter Pan!^ |
^Boston with Aunt Whit and Uncle Tann!^ |
^Holland was a little overwhelmed by it all. Haha! He cried, but then said he loved it? Emotions are hard.^ |
We made our way over to Tomorrowland just as a Star Wars Parade was passing by! We were lucky and got front row seats to the action, and Boston was in HEAVEN. Holland--well, not so much. He thought the soldiers and weapons were real, and he kept covering his ears and saying "Dey going to shoot us!!" Haha. It was sad, but funny.
In his defense, they looked SUPER real. I was impressed!
^These churros were AMAZING.^ |
^That moment when random fans recognized Tanner from one of his movies. #Famous!^ |
^Waiting in line with grandma^ |
^This little bug crashed before too long--Disney is exhausting^ |
^Gettin' sugared up with pixie sticks from Grandpa Chub! (No wonder they love him so much. Haha)^ |
^Syd and Holland riding Autopia!^ |
My mom and I took the kiddos to Tarzan's Tree House while everybody else went on Indiana Jones (and then we traded when they got back! Rider swap is the best).
The tree house was awesome! The kids loved running around and playing...and I only had a minor heart attack when I lost Camden for a couple of minutes. Thank goodness for nice moms that helped him back to me!!
^Cutest Grandma & Brights!^ |
^They love my mom so much. They had so much fun with her on this trip!^ |
After we had ridden a bunch of rides, it was high time for a cotton candy break. What is it about Disney treats that makes them so good?? They could literally charge an arm and a leg for treats in the park and people would buy them. (Oh wait...that's what actually happens. Haha! #worthit)
Cotton candy just makes my kid heart happy!!
^This picture!! Haha. Holland just loving his cotton candy...and Brighton just so done with it.^ |
^Brighton was a HUGE fan of cotton candy. I mean, who wouldn't be??^ |
^THUNDER MOUNTAIN!! (and a photobombing Whit haha)^ |
^Turkey legs as big as your head!^ |
Disney hack moment: If you want one of the fresh pineapple Dole Whips (amazing!), stand in line INSIDE the entrance of the Tikki Room in Adventure Land. The line on the outside is a million miles long, and the line on the inside goes much faster.
Oh I want a Dole Whip!!! Haha.
^In line for a yummy Dole Whip!^ |
In the evening, we lined up for the Pixarfest Disney Parade!!
This parade was literally one of my favorite parts of Disney. The music was amazing, the characters were perfect, and it was just a solid 10/10 (because of course. Disney goes all out for everything!). The boys LOVED it, and they were clapping and singing the entire time. So stinking cute!
It's moments like that that just make every hard day as a parent totally worth it.
^DYING over this belly photo that Tyler snapped of Holland. That kid!!^ |
^So excited for the parade!^ |
^Loved this cute Inside Out float!^ |
^Pure joy.^ |
^So perfect.^ |
After the parade, we hit up a few more rides, and then realized we were all starving. So we stopped at Pizza Planet to grab some dinner! It was quick and yummy, and really hit the spot.
Then we let the kids each pick a prize, because when in Disney, right?? Camden and Holland picked light up Mickey bubble wands, and Boston picked a Star Wars light saber. And holy cow, the bubble wands were pure MAGIC.
I seriously got teary-eyed watching the boys' eyes sparkle as they watched the bubble wands light up for the first time. The sun was going down in Disneyland, music was playing, and it was perfect. Just another one of those moments that made all of the chaos and stress totally worth it.
^"Mom, I'm Obi Wan Kenobi!" |
Then we ended the night with a classic ride--It's a Small World. The kids absolutely LOVED it!
Holland was clinging to the front of the boat with giant eyes and a huge smile, and Brighton was pointing at everything saying "OOOHH! OOOHH!" It was so fun for them.
^In a small world trance^ |
^Love adventuring with this guy.^ |
We had such a fun first day at Disneyland!
It really is just the happiest, most magical place ever...especially with kids.
(Pictures of our second day of Disney/ California Adventures are coming up next!!)
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