This past weekend Holland turned four years old! I say this every year, but man, it is CRAZY how fast time flies. Seriously. Wasn't he just born? Like two seconds ago??
Speaking of which...lets just take a look at some of my favorite little teensy Holland pics.
^Less than an hour old.^ |
^Just absolutely dead. Cannot handle this boy!^ |
^Still has the kissiest cheeks in the land^ |
And it's just nuts to me that he's four.
But we had the best time celebrating his big day this year. Since we had a big friend party last year, we opted for a fun family day this time around--and it was perfect. (His birthday fell on a Saturday, so it worked out great!)
We started the day with some chocolate birthday pancakes, and then went on a family walk in the gorgeous Spring weather. The boys threw rocks in a stream and explored, and it was such a good time to just hang out together outside.
^Four pancake!^ |
^Four shirt!^ |
^No idea what's happening with Cam's outfit (vest?)...but hey. It was Saturday.^ |
^This boy loves his daddy. SO much.^ |
Then we went home to clean up, and headed off to grab lunch at Chick-fil-a. It was Holland's request, and nobody was mad about it! (Hashtag chick-fil-a every day.)
But first! A quick pit stop to take some pictures of the birthday boy with his FOUR balloon.
^Obligatory salute pic^ |
^I'll never be over him.^ |
After lunch (and a quick nap time for Brights!), we went to Holland's number one requested place for his birthday: Blazers fun zone! (...or in his words, "Lazer's Bun Zone! hahaha) It's a bounce house slash arcade that the kids LOVE.
These next photos are pretty much all blurry and terribly lit and so forth, but hey. Here they are anyways (for memories sake)!
^Creepy bouncing ghost Cam^ |
^Cutie brothers 1, 3, and 4^ |
^3 and 4^ |
After we bounced, we hit up the arcade!
(Arcades are such a racket. But we do it for the children. And we pretend that we love it. haha)
Then we grabbed some pizzas and went home for a pinata and presents!
Holland picked a taco pinata, because "I yuuuuuuub tacos, mom." (me too, buddy.)
^Gotta get that candy!!^ |
^Happy birthday, Holland!^ |
^They had to test out the new bubble machine Holland got for a present^ |
^chasing bubbles^ |
Then it was time for cake!
I always let my kids pick whatever kind of birthday cake they want (theme, flavor, whatever), and I do my best to make it happen. But Holland's request this year was a tricky one. Haha! Here's how the conversation went:
Me: "Holland, what kind of cake do you want for your birthday?"
Holland: "Oooh! I want a Batman, Easter, sprinkle, blue cake."
Sooooo, I just kind of went for it. And it wasn't the prettiest thing in the universe, but man. HE LOVED IT SO MUCH. And that made everything worth it!
^Pure joy.^ |
^After he blew out the candle, he said "I wished for a real puppy!"^ |
^Now that is one BLUE cake^ |
We had the BEST time celebrating our Holland boy. And now's the part where I get sappy.
From the minute you were born, you have been a complete ray of sunshine in our family. You were the sweetest, cutest, BEST baby, and you are still the sweetest, cutest, BEST big kid. I feel so lucky that I get to be your mom. That I get to be the one to kiss your cheeks and listen to your husky giggle and do puzzles at the kitchen table with you. Your daddy and I always talk about what a fun little bundle of energy you are, and your brothers are pretty obsessed with you, too. I love you, Holland. SO MUCH!
Hope you had the best birthday ever.
Love, Mom
For Holland's other birthdays, go here:
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