I'm catching up on blog posts from our 2019 Thanksgiving beach trip! To see part I, go here.
^My little turkeys^ |
Thanksgiving Day!!
I'll tell you what, there is literally nothing better than waking up on Thanksgiving morning and seeing the ocean out your window. It's the absolute BEST.
We couldn't wait to get down to the beach, but first we headed out for some breakfast. It's our tradition to go get a big pancake breakfast every Thanksgiving, and the kids look forward to it so much!
^"Look at my snowman, mom!"^ |
^YUM. I could totally go for some of this right now.^ |
After our giant breakfast, we went back to the condo to change into our swimming suits. Then we hit the beach!!
^My happy place^ |
^Me and my teenager. But seriously...why is he so old^ |
^Searching for shells!^ |
^He'll probably kill me for posting this, but whatever. Because I LOVE HIM.^ |
^They found a sea cucumber and they were fascinated. (I was mostly grossed out)^ |
^Love these babies!!^ |
^The happiest Cammers there ever was^ |
^The best day with the best guy (plus a bunch of our kids)^ |
After a long, perfect beach day, we headed back to get cleaned up for dinner. While we got ready, we watched the Macy's Parade and the kids made turkey hats (thanks Grandma Tracy!).
Maybe I'm biased, but I'm pretty sure they're the cutest little turkey boys in the entire universe.
^The most beautiful sunset as we left for dinner^ |
We ate at Margaritaville for Thanksgiving dinner, which was hilarious but super fun.
We kind of ended up there out of desperation (our original plans for dinner didn't work, so we had to wing it), but it was actually kind of perfect. We sang along to Jimmy Buffett that was playing over the speakers, the kids got balloon animals, and I got coconut shrimp...so it was a definite win in my book.
^Cutie bug^ |
^balloon sword!^ |
^balloon monkey & parrot^ |
^"Mom, I made a boat!^ |
^So pumped about his mac 'n cheese^ |
What a fun Thanksgiving Day!!
We had the best time with our little family--doing what we love most. (Going to the beach and eating. Haha!) Can't wait for this again next year!
^Love these people, and love that little girl that was in my belly^ |
For past Thanksgiving Day fun, go here:
Loved reading this thankk you