
Easter Portraits, 2024.

Easter 2024.
Easter is one of my very favorite holidays!! I love springtime, and I love how Jesus Christ is the focus of the season. It's such a beautiful holiday filled with hope and peace, and I just love it.

I also love getting everyone dressed up in their Easter Sunday best and snapping some portraits! It is so fun to look through these pictures every year and see how the kids change. They're growing so fast!! 

Monroe Skye, age 4.

Where do I even start with this girl?? She is the spunkiest, sweetest little thing, and we are all just obsessed with her crazy little personality haha. She loves puppies, Taylor Swift, Chick-fil-a, wearing pretty dresses and leotards, drawing with Brighton, riding her scooter, princesses, Bluey, the color pink, and dancing anywhere and everywhere. She is a wild child, but loves to snuggle with her daddy and go shopping with her mom. We love our Monroe so much!

Brighton James, age 7.

Brighton is the cutest little bug!! He is just his own little person, and we love him so much. He loves Stitch, squishmallows, cheeseburgers, drawing, anything Super Mario Bros, playing board games, ramen noodles, legos, playing with his friends, spaghetti-ohs, reading, and techno music (haha). He is so kind to others, he loves to have fun, and he loves to randomly break out in some opera singing or his Australian accent. He will keep you laughing forever and ever!! Love you, Brights!

Holland Beck, age 8.5.

Holls!! Oh how we love this boy! He is sweet, silly, and everybody's best bud. He loves playing basketball, swimming, Mr. Beast, Olive Garden, helping his sister with anything she needs, playing outside with friends, video games, a good casserole, hanging out with his dad, art, and going on road trips. He has the most infectious giggle, and when he "gets the giggs" (can't stop laughing), it's the best thing in the world. He has the kindest heart, and is the most lovable dude. 

Camden Race, age 10.5.

Cam Bam!! What a guy! Camden is hilarious, smart, and always scheming about his next big move, adventure, or creation. His wheels are always turning!! He loves roller coasters, the beach, sushi, doing magic tricks, playing outside with friends, super difficult legos, basketball, video games, flag football, sour candy (or any candy haha), watching movies as a family, Five Below, riding his hover board, wiffle ball, and any kind of puzzle/ puzzle cube. He is a great friend, and is always the life of the party. We love our Camden!!

Boston Emery, age 12.5

Boston is getting too old for my liking. HOW is he almost a teenager?? It blows my mind! He is just the best kid, and we love him so much. Boston loves Star Wars, basketball, magnet fishing, hanging out with his friends, golf, Fortnite, playing his trumpet, reading historical books, cool shoes, Kraft mac & cheese, going to Young Mens at church, flag football, and finding treasures at the thrift store with his mom. He is so kind to everyone, and is a great big brother to his younger siblings. We love you, Bost!


Look at these handsome boys!! They are all so different, and I love them all so much. 

I seriously can't believe how fast they are growing. 
I love these crazy kids!

I'm so grateful for Jordan. He is the best partner, and my best friend. I love him I love him I love him!!

Happy Easter!! 


To see previous Easter photos, go here:

2023 -Flower girl 
2021 -Easter Pinata
2020 -Monroe's first Easter 
2019 -Bowtie boys 
2018 -Downtown Elizabethtown
2015 -Bunny photos
2014 -Lexington Arboretum

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