On our last day in Savannah, we got all packed up, cleaned up the house a bit, and headed out! Our first stop was just down the road, at Old Fort Jackson. It's a restored fort on the Savannah River, and it was so cool to see! It's actually the oldest standing brick fort in Georgia (thanks Wikipedia!), and the boys thought it was awesome to see a "real army camp where the good guys fight" (thanks Netflix!). But seriously, they thought it was awesome.
Then we headed to River Street just one last time, because obviously we needed more candy from River Street Sweets. Two thumbs up for that place!
^yay for breakfast!^ |
^Old Fort Jackson^ |
^"I'm sorry Miss Jackson *Oooh* I am for Reeaal" (I had to)^ |
^Old cannons! I kind of want one of these at my house. Shabby chic?^ |
^Love the steamboat!^ |
^Boston brought me this heart leaf, "because I love you, mama."^ |
^He's such a good sport for putting up with my billions of photos. He's also handsome.^ |
^"Yook at my muscles, momma! I stwong boy."^ |
^Classic mad-Cam face. Even when he's mad, hes cute.^ |
Our last stop in Savannah was Leopold's Ice Cream, and
man, it was worth the hype (and the wait in line)! I got the pistachio, and Jord
got some kind of cookie-peanut butter-crunch thing, and they were both
amazing. I'm a sucker for a good ice cream cone.
^Holding like twelve melty cones in two hands...hashtag, the momlife.^ |
We grabbed our ice cream to go, and hit the road for Hilton Head Island, South Carolina! Hilton Head is one of my very favorite places on earth. Last time we were there, we only spent a day, and it was soooo not enough. So this time, we talked Grandma and Papa Mac into coming with us for a few days, and it was awesome!! (
see more photos from our last trip to HH, here!)
HH has the best beaches, alongside lush green trees, biking paths around the island, and the best barbecue food of your life. So yeah, it's pretty much perfect. (Just ignore the "Beware of Alligator" signs everywhere. Haha! But seriously.) We could not wait to show grandma and grandpa our favorite spots!
We got to our cute condo, unloaded our stuff, and immediately headed out on the private boardwalk to our very own beach. The night was breezy and warm, and the kids just ran wild looking for shells, making sandcastles, and just loving life. We were basically the only ones in sight, and man, it was pretty perfect.
^Hanging out on the condo patio while the men unloaded the car^ |
^Heading to the beach!^ |
^Chubby cheeks by the ocean^ |
^Stealing Grandma's shoes^ |
^HEART EXPLOSIONS! My gosh, I can't handle it.^ |
^"Look! We found a jellyfish, momma!"^ |
^Holland thought it was hilarious to push the wagon everywhere. It was the cutest!^ |
^Boys, busy making sand castles^ |
^Holland, busy eating sand.^ |
^I really like him.^ |
^Boston caught a fish in his bucket!^ |
^"My fishy's name is Blurry. Cause he's a fast swimmer."^ |
^That farmer's tan though. SWOON.^ |
What a great way to start our time in Hilton Head.
My gosh, I pretty much want to marry that place. (Don't tell Jord.)
One zillion more beach pictures, coming up soon!
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