One of the fun Summer outings on our list was to walk through the Elizabethtown Arboretum near our house! It was a hot day, but the flowers were beautiful, and the shaded trail was perfect for an afternoon of exploring for the kiddos.
They collected little leaves and sticks along the trail, and even found a little broken robin's egg. They thought it was so cool!
I love this stage with my boys. They are small enough to snuggle, but they're big enough to explore and go on fun adventures with. It's the perfect stage, and I kind of just want them to stay little like this forever. (Is that too much to ask??)
^I love this gang of boys^ |
^Cam's peace sign kills me. Love that boy^ |
^"Mom! It's a real-life robin's egg!!"^ |
^Little explorers^ |
^"I found a painted rock!" |
^sweetest boy.^ |
^"I pick fower fo you, momma!"^ |
^I will never be over the GREEN in Kentucky.^ |
^There he is with the peace sign again! Haha!^ |
^"Mom, you have GOT to smell these flowers. They're so yummy!"^ |
It was such a fun day exploring with my kiddos!
I have to admit, as much as I love school being in session, I do miss the daily summer adventures with all my boys. They're crazy, but they make everything so fun!
P.S. After our walk, I went into the community center next to the arboretum, and found a poster of our little town's claim to fame. (What's up, Orlando?? Haha!) Have you seen this movie? It's quirky, and I love it. Just like this town.
^(I'm a dork)^ |
To see photos from another arboretum we love, go here:
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