Oh my gosh, Halloween was SO FUN this year!!! I don't know if it's because all of the kids are at perfect ages to enjoy it, or if its because Jord and I didn't get to experience the magic of Halloween last year with them (Brighton was in the hospital), or if it's a combination of both...but wow. We had such a good time with everything Halloween this year!
We went to two trunk or treats in the days leading up to Halloween-- one was a giant city party at Grace Heartland church nearby, and the other was out in the Kentucky countryside with our ward. We had so much fun at both!!
The Heartland Halloween bash is always a blast! This year it was chilly and rainy, so the crowd was a lot less intense than it had been in the past. The kids loved going to each of the decorated trunks to get candy, and Brighton figured out what Halloween is all about!! Haha.
^A kitty cat and a little punkin^ |
^I could not get over him in his little pumpkin suit and boots!!!^ |
^Love this handsome guy.^ |
^Cutest pack pack of superheros^ |
^Loved this "Up" themed trunk! So creative and cute^ |
^We've been reading Harry Potter with the older boys, so Boston was obsessed with this HP trunk!^ |
^Pumpkin in the moonlight^ |
Next up was our ward trunk or treat party! Jordan and I decided to dress up for this one, and went as the main couple from one of our favorite shows, "This is Us." We were Jack and Rebecca Pearson, who have three babies (two naturally and one adopted) in the seventies.
We love the show so much, and it was so fun to dress up together! We were also super surprised and flattered when NBC reached out to us and reposted our photo on the show's Instagram page. So awesome!!
And here's what we were dressing up like:
So much fun! We're already scheming about our costume next year.
Meanwhile... the kids were gearing up for some more CANDY!!
^The drive out to the beautiful KY countryside for the party! The trees were so gorgeous.^ |
^Boston and his best friend, Evie...ka, Batman and a llama. Love her llama face! Haha^ |
^The Pearsons^ |
^Little pumpkin!^ |
^Getting some arm paint done by Baby Shark!^ |
^I gave the fake babies to some people to hold while I chased down Brighton, and turned around to find them all cradling and rocking the dolls like real life babies. Haha! I was cracking up!!^ |
^He is my Jack.^ |
^But seriously. Too legit to quit!!!!^ |
^My gosh, I love him so much!!^ |
^Time to trick-or-treat!!^ |
^Family photo!^ |
So, crazy story. A few years ago when we had first moved to Kentucky, there was a tornado advisory on Halloween night. So the mayor just went ahead and pushed Halloween to the next day, so that trick-or-treating would be more convenient and safe for the kiddos. It was the coolest, and I thought it was so crazy how they just up and MOVED Halloween! Haha.
I thought it was a one time thing, but guess what? It happened AGAIN this year!! The forecast showed really crappy, stormy weather for Halloween night, but the day before was supposed to be 75 and sunny. So guess what they did? You got it... they moved Halloween to the 30th. And it was AWESOME. I mean, growing up in Utah, we would literally cover up our entire costumes with snow pants and coats and go door to door in blizzards...but not here.
I love Kentucky!!! haha.
We started out the night with some festive "mummy dogs" and "witch fingers" (curly fries), and then geared up for our LAST round of candy. (so much candy. woof!)
^"Mom! Yook at my mummy dog moos-tache!"^ |
^Little cuties!!^ |
^Trick-or-treating at our neighbor Val's! We love her.^ |
^I mean but really...could it have been a more perfect night?? So much better than the torrential downpour that happened the next night.^ |
^Spider Cam, age 5.5^ |
^Bat Bost, age 7^ |
^Captain Holls, age 3.5^ |
^Punkin Brights, age 20 months^ |
I already wrote about this on my Instagram, but it was the most magical thing watching Brighton trick-or-treating and running around with his brothers this year.
Last year on Halloween, he was laying in a bed in the ICU, hooked up to a billion tubes and wires, dependent on a machine to breathe for him...and he was literally fighting for his little life.
I had wanted him to be a pumpkin last year, but his costume stayed un-touched at the top of our closet as we spent the holiday in the hospital instead. So this year, I bought him another pumpkin costume. I wanted him to have another shot at being a pumpkin--and to experience how Halloween should really feel. It was the most miraculous, rewarding thing to compare where he was last year to where he is now.
We are so grateful for him!!
Here's a little comparison for you. Last year:
...and this year.
What a miracle.
This Halloween was much, MUCH better than last years.
We are so lucky to have our sweet little Brighton!
^Trick-or-treating crew!^ |
What a fun Halloween season!!
And holy cow...I can't believe it's going to be Thanksgiving next week. Where does the time go?? I'm okay with it though, because the holidays are just the best!
For past Halloweens, go here :
this one is fun, too!
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