

I  was thinking the other day,well, these things: "You know? I have the cutest kid ever who says the cutest things ever. Maybe I should document said things."  So, here I am. And here we go!

If you have never had a conversation with my Boston boy, you need to. It is quite entertaining. He gets this really serious, wide-eyed look on his face when he is trying to talk to you, and it's so sta-ink-ing cute I could die. Because even if whats coming out of his mouth sounds like alien-speak, he knows exactly what he is saying. Adorable. Here are some of my favorite moments as of late:

1.Boston is obsessed with Space Jam. Never mind that the movie was made when his parents were just little guys themselves, and never mind that Michael Jordan has his moments of sub-par acting, Bost loves it. Loooooooves it. So the other day we were eating dinner, and I gave him some jam on a roll. Next thing I know, he is pointing to the jar of strawberry jelly, yelling:

"More SPACE JAM peeeeese!!!"      ....and we lost it. haha.

2. Precurser to this next story: Boston loves going to the splash pad water park. Well, he loves going there, but he hates doing anything involving the water...so we mostly just go there and stand... Ok, we're back. So since I am nursing Camden, like you know, every ten seconds (babies!), Boston has grown accustomed to seeing me plopped down on the couch with a baby on my lap. I didn't know how much so, though, until yesterday he found one of my nursing pads. He stuffed the thing up his shirt and asked, "Spash pads?"

Oh, that boy. (also, a weirdly accurate description of what the things are.)

3. His favorite food? A torn up waffle, dipped in nutella. Whenever I ask him what he wants to eat...no matter if it is 9 am or 9 pm... I always get a "Chockitt fawffle peeese?" from him. He must get that slight nutella obsession from his father. (I kid I kid) So then I will repeat back his food order, and he gives me a full-on belly chuckle and an okay, which sounds mostly like "hu hu hu O-tay!" It's my favorite.

4. The boy loves to play catch. With anyone, and anything. The other day I heard him throwing his basketball at a picture of Jesus in our front room, yelling "TETCH, Yee-yus!" Irreverent? Or just so. stinking. cute. (I'll go with the second one.)

5. When my parents were here visiting, my mom took Boston on a walk outside in the rain and helped him spot all of the worms on the sidewalk. She would point and say "Biiiiig worm, tiny worm!" And Boston caught on real quick. The only problem is, now he thinks that 'worm' sounds like 'warm'. So when he freaks out about his food being too hot, and i say that it is just warm, he yells,

"Beeeeg warm, tiny warm!"  ...thanks for confusing the poor boy, grandma. (No but really- it's adorable!)

You know what my very favorite Boston-ism is, to boot? 

"I yuuuh yoooooou."

 So perfect. His precious bubbly voice and his tiny chubby rolls...ahh. That boy.

Heart melter, every time. I love that kid a whole lot. Even a whole bag of gummy... warms.


Pizza Hut-Shmeetza hut.

Here's a story for you. On Saturday, we were like "Cooking is the worst. Let's go out to eat." (Okay maybe that was just me)... so we decided that hey! Pizza is a great Saturday night food! Let's do that! So we took five hours getting ready (you know, doing a little something like diaper change, feed a child, diaper change, get dressed for the day at 4:30, diaper change, put make-up on, diaper ch.... you get the idea). And we headed to Pizza Hut.

This is when things got ugly.

We walked into the joint, and I kid you not, it was thirteen hundred degrees. No exaggeration!! Poor Boston was sweating bullets just sitting and coloring on the kids menu. So we tried to be like "Ohhh, it's not that bad..." and that game lasted all of three minutes. We picked up our children, and awkwardly exited that sweat box.

So of course, Chinese food was the next best thing...that turned out to be the way better thing. Jord was all, "I've heard of this place on the other side of town [I know...sketchy sounding already, right??], and it's supposed to be, like, the best in Rexburg or something." So with that glowing recommendation, we were sold.

...until we pulled up.

I know.
So then it went down like this.
me: "Uh, honey, are you sure this isn't a used car part store?" 
him: "Not really."
me: "Okay. Let's do this."

And actually, we were so happy we did! Because hello, THIS:

...and fries and grilled cheese for the picky toddler?? You'da best, Chinese-food-place-with-a-creepy-exterior. You highly satisfying thing, you.

After we had eaten three pounds of lo mein and sweet 'n sour chicken (healthy food goals whaaaaaat?), we cracked open some pretty intense fortunes. Jord's said "Opportunity awaits you on next Tuesday," and guess what happened on Tuesday?????

nothing. dumb thing.

Mine said "Take that chance you have been considering." I figure it to mean "Take that chance on buying that way-to-expensive-but-perfect-pair-of-shoes at Target". Sounds legit, right?

So, thanks for saving our pizza-less Saturday, weird Chinese restaurant. You and your spicy cashew chicken were good to us.


Tautphaus Park Zoo, round II.

Hey friends, we went to the Zoo! 
It was a great day of summer. 
Outside, hot weather, two tiny boys and one hunky man...I was a happy camper!

Remember how last year, we went to the Tautphaus Park Zoo for the first time?
  Boston was just a wee little chunky thing who couldn't even walk yet. Weird.

 Then there was that time in Belgium, when we went to the Antwerp Zoo...
which was basically five times the size of Tautphaus Park.
It was the bomb.
We love you and everything, Idaho, but lets be honest...
your attractions are limited.
(Potato Museum, anyone?)
(nope...not even making that up)

Anywho... even though this Idaho Falls Zoo is kind of a baby, 
we had a blast! Boston was in dirty-animal, poop-smelling heaven.

They have a time slot where they let the little guys go into the goat pen to pet them.
I thought Boston would kind of be a chicken...
but wow.
He would have kissed the goats if he could have!
(I think he tried to, actually. Barf.)
The kid was running around, chasing them, trying to pick them up--
hence all of the off-centered and blurry photos. 

(Creepy goat, but cute child of  mine.)

We tried to get Boston pumped about the other animals, 
but nothing could compare to his goat-filled joy.
You think I am kidding.

Maybe it's just because he hasn't quite grasped animal names....
like in the slightest.
This next animal in Boston lingo?

A bear.

This one?
A cow.

Annnnnd another bear.
Ya, it's a struggle.

We taught him all he knows. 

The classic lion head...or should I say "bear" head... drinking fountain.
He was obsessed with the thing.

After we had walked the entire perimeter of the Zoo in 20 minutes,
(I kid, I kid...but seriously)
we took a feed-the-baby-and-the-chubby-kid break.

Because Camden was like,
"Fooooood. Nooooow."

This picture was taken 30 seconds before Boston dropped the entire bag of crackers 
out on the ground, only to shortly be eaten by a roaming peacock.
Dead serious!
The poor boy was traumatized. 

We stopped on the playground to let Boston get his wiggles out.
He was psyched when he saw this giant chicken, and yelled,
"Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Shicken!"
The good side? He got the animal right.
The bad side? It sounds like he is screaming profanities everytime he spots one.

We made one last stop to see Boston's beautiful, beloved goat friends before we called it a day.
What can I say?
The boy was smitten.

Welp, I would say our first official Summer outing was a success!
Now we just need to work on those animal names...
but seriously.


In case you forgot, it's Monday.

Here is my feeling about Mondays: Blehrg.
You get me?

  Mondays are the worst, but the good news is,
it only goes uphill from there! Right?
Here's what I think about the days of the week
for your viewing pleasure, in cereal form, of course.
(I don't know-- just go with it.)

Monday:  This day is definitely Oatmeal Squares (heave).
 If you have never tried oatmeal squares, well, don't start now.
(think dog food...only cereal-er.)

Tuesday: More of a Corn Pops kind of day. It's like, I'll eat them if there's only a choice between
those, and oatmeal squares. But I probably won't enjoy it.

Wednesday: Frosted Flakes, perhaps?
(Like corn flakes, only frostier, because hey! It's Wednesday!)

Thursday: This is a Captain Crunchberry day. Things are looking up!

Friday: Rice Crispies, because you know, they're fun, and so is Friday.
Snap crackle 'n pop!

Saturday: Fruity pebbles for shizzle.

Sunday: (Chorus of small children singing) ...Cinnabon cereal.
You heard me, CINNABON CEREAL.
If you haven't had this, please get in your car and drive yo-self to get some.
Its like 600 calories for one cup...and so worth it.
It is, in my opinion, at the tippy top of the cereal pyramid.
As are Sundays in the week.

*awkward segue*

Sooooo (cough cough).
Without further cereal delays, here are photos from our Sunday.
Because, hey! It is the best day of the week, no battle.

"If you build it, they will come." Anybody anybody?


A visit from Papa Mac(s), and some splash pad related adventures.

We always love when people travel to the booming metropolis of Rexburg to visit.
Lets be honest, there isn't a whole lot to do here, so when somebody offers to come see us,
we're like "whoop whoop!"

Grandpa and Great-Grandpa(s?) Mac came and took us out to lunch,
and Boston was loving the attention.
Even though he looks semi-drugged in this picture, I promise he was 
psyched to be sitting next to Grandpa Mac!

Grandpa Mac probably wasn't so psyched when I spilled my whole entire
glass of icy water all over his pants...(I know I know, how old am I)...
but he was a good sport!

Maybe I am just selfish,
but if there is anything that merits Jord leaving work to spend time with us...I'm down!
I guess I just love the guy.
So sue me.
So I was excited to spend the afternoon with him!

Side note... prenatal vitamins are the bomb.
Look how long my hair suddenly got!
...until it all falls out again in the next few weeks. Curse you, post-pregnancy weirdness.

After lunch, we went home to take some pictures, 
and Cam was like:

And then Bost was like, "I-PAD!"

...but we somehow managed to get some good photos out of it all.

Four generations of handsome McMurtrey men, right here.
I love these guys!

Later that day, we looked at each other and said,
 "It's 1000 degrees in our apartment. Lets get out before we kill eachother."
So to the splash pad we went.

Boston thought it was the greatest thing ever...
until he got wet.
Then he was so over it.

Soooo we packed up the swim stuff after approximately 30 seconds at the splash pad,
and headed over to the "no wet" park for Boston.
And, as you probably guessed,
our not-so-brave boy hung out on the stairs (yet again) the entire time.
That kid, I tell you.
He cracks me up.

"I love you, stairs. Don't ever leave me."

And then, this. FACE.
We were dying!!

Oh, and here's our other child.
Isn't he the cutest crying, pooping, bundle you have ever seen??

The end!