
Summer trip 2016 (part VI): Last bits of Hilton Head!

For previous posts about this vacation, click here: part I, part II, part III, part IV, part V

When we pulled into our condo, the boys saw the tennis courts and FREAKED out. Mainly Boston. He kept asking "Can we play tennis now, pleeeaaaase??" about every two seconds until we could finally go. Haha! I love that kid and his passion for sports. 

We had a blast playing tennis, and Holland loved crawling around eating random stuff he found on the court. haha. Really though. #thirdkidproblems

But Boston and Cam were in tennis heaven!

^Holland! Happiest baby ever.^
^He was cracking me up trying to drink out of this water bottle. Haha!^
^I love this snuggle bug.^
^Dimples for days!!^
^Get it, Bost!^

So much fun!

Another day while were in Hilton Head, it was pretty rainy (there may or may not have been a hurricane warning. Haha! It was intense.), so we decided to go shopping at the outlets!

Because hey, shopping!!! It's my favorite. Also, this Holland baby. He's a favorite too.

^But seriously. He's so squishable!!^
^Cam was all sorts of prepared for the rain with his "bwoo car umbwella"^
^My little shopping buddy^

Man, I love shopping. It's a problem. But hey! It was a fun way to spend a rainy day.

We had one last beach day on our little private beach, and it was perfect. The older boys and I searched the beach for seashells and tiny crabs, and they thought it was so awesome to watch the crabs wiggle around in our bucket. Then daddy and grandpa buried the kids up in the sand while Holland munched on sand-covered graham crackers. Just livin' the life.

Oh, how I wish I could live at the beach!!
^Heart melted.^
^"Look mom! I think I see a crocodile!"^
^"Look at the crabs, momma!"^
^Sandy-faced boy^
^Burying up Boston man!^
^"I'm hewping wiff a shovel, momma!"^
^So precious!^
^Watching the crabs in the bucket! Also, nice pose, Bost.^
^I cannot handle his chubby beach bod!^
After the beach, Jord and I ran out to grab some food for everyone, and stumbled into the best BBQ joint in the world. Not even kidding. I've had a lot of barbecue, and Bullies is definitely at the top of my list! The brisket, the mac & cheese, the jalapeño corn bread, the pulled pork, THE SAUCES....oh man. I'm drooling now.
Then came the sad, sad day when it was time to leave Hilton Head. We packed up, attempted to shake the sand off of everything (and I mean EVERYTHING...how does sand manage to multiply everywhere?? haha), and headed to the airport to drop of Grandpa and Grandma Mac. We had such a fun time with them, and we were so sad to see them go!!

After we said our goodbyes to the Macs, we headed off to the last stop of our road trip: Chattanooga, TN! (Blog post coming up next!)

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