At the end of July (I know it's November. Better late than never? haha), my oldest baby turned FIVE years old. Five! Can you believe it?? I can't believe Boston has been in our family for five years, but then I also can't remember life without him. Parenthood is wild like that.
But man, are we glad to have this boy in our family. He was the sweetest baby, and he has grown into the sweetest boy. And for nostalgia's sake, look how tiny he used to be!!
Oh man. Nothing to get me all teary-eyed like some brand new baby pictures!! Seriously though.
Boston is so much fun. He is the spunkiest, most hilarious five year old I know, and we had so much fun celebrating his birthday.
We celebrated our big boy with a family party on his actual birthday, and we had a friend party for him later that weekend. He was psyched that he got two birthday celebrations! Haha.
We went to dinner as a family, opened up a couple of presents, and Face-timed family when we sang and ate ice cream. It was low-key and awesome!
^Snarfing the birthday sundae!^ |
^Love this Camden bug.^ |
^The Boston boy.^ |
^The Camden man.^ |
We got Boston a skateboard for his birthday, because he had seriously been dyyyyyying for one for weeks!! He was so excited when he opened it that he screamed. He kept saying, "My skateboard! My very own skateboard!" And it was the cutest.
^Is this not the cutest thing in the world??^ |
^His tongue-out concentration kills me in this. So cute.^ |
We had his baseball-themed friend party during the middle of our move, so things were a bit say the least. Haha! We had the party in our church gym since our house was covered in boxes and it was a trillion degrees outside, and it ended up being perfect!
The kids had a blast running wild and playing baseball games while the grown-ups chatted. It was awesome.
^Baseball birthday for my baseball-loving boy!^ |
^Costco cakes for the win!! I mean really though. There is no better cake.^ |
^Playing catch with dad before the party started^ |
^Love this boy.^ |
^Party tiiiiiiiime!^ |
^The cool corner. Aka, the parents. Haha!^ |
^Holland Beck!^ |
Pinata time! The one thing Boston requested for MONTHS before his birthday was a baseball pinata. He went back and forth on almost everything else...but the baseball pinata was a must.
And it was a HIT! (see what I did there? I crack myself up.) (It must be late.)
^Look at that face. So much concentration! haha^ |
^Camden, up to bat!^ |
^The Beckster-meister!^ |
Then it was time for cake!!
Such a fun party! We sure love our Boston.
Now as per tradition, a short birthday letter to our birthday boy!
Dear Boston,
Oh man, I can't believe you are five! You are hilarious, sassy, and so much fun to be around. You are a great big brother to Camden and Holland, and you will be SUCH a great brother to our new baby on the way. You are just a sweetheart. Never stop loving baseball, transformers, dinosaurs, pizza, and books. You are growing into such an awesome boy, and we feel SO lucky to have you in our family. Happy birthday, you big five year old!
We love you.
Love, Mom & Dad
To see Boston's previous b-day celebrations, go here:
fourth birthday
third birthday
second birthday
first birthday...
part I,
part II
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